Tag Archives: Data Visualization

Using DataFrames and PyPlot in Julia

By: Jaafar Ballout

Re-posted from: https://www.supplychaindataanalytics.com/using-dataframes-and-pyplot-in-julia/

Julia includes many packages that could be used in operation research and optimization in general. This article serves as a brief introduction to different packages available in Julia’s ecosystem. I will focus on two packages that are stepping-stones in future work: DataFrames.jl and PyPlots. DataFrames.jl provides a set of tools for working with tabular data similar to Pandas in Python. The PyPlots module provides a Julia interface to the Matplotlib plotting library from Python. Although PyPlots is a distribution of Python and Matplotlib, Julia can install a private distribution that can’t be accessed outside Julia’s environment.

Adding the necessary packages

Open a new terminal window and run Julia. Use the code below to add the packages required for this article.

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DataFrames")
julia> Pkg.add("CSV")
julia> Pkg.add("Arrow")

Open a new terminal window and run Julia. Initialize the PYTHON environment variable:

julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = ""

Install PyPlot:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("PyPlot")

After adding all the required packages using Julia REPL, the following code is used to import the packages in the Jupyter editor (i.e. Jupyter Notebook).

using DataFrames
using CSV
using Arrow
using PyPlot

Using DataFrames in Julia

DataFrames requires some packages in the backend like CSV and Arrow to complete its operations properly. Thus, these packages were added initially in the section before.

Using PyPlots in Julia

Because PyPlots is an interface for Matplotlib in Julia, all the documentation is available on Matplotlib’s main page.

Covid-19 showcase using Julia

The first covid-19 case was detected on the 17th of November, 2019. Although two years passed since the pandemic started, the virus is still persisting and cases are increasing exponentially. Thus, data analysis is important to understand the growth of cases around the world. I will be using a .csv file containing data about the cases in country X. The file is available in a public repository on my GitHub page, so I can copy it to an excel sheet and move it to the directory file where the Jupyter notebook is located. Also, I can import the data from the web using excel and attach the link of the raw format of the database on GitHub. In both cases, saving the file as time.csv is necessary to fit with the code in later stages.

Here, I am showing the database, in csv format, that I opened via excel on my desktop.

I will read the csv file, in the Jupyter notebook, using the code block below:

df  = CSV.File("time.csv") |> DataFrame; # reading the csv file using CSV package and changing it to a DataFrame using the arrow operation |>
df[1:5,:] # output the first five rows

Importing data files is smoother using DataFrames. Some of the operations present in the code blocks below are explained in a previous post introducing Julia. Plotting is another important tool to understand data and visualize it better. Matplotlib is introduced before to the blog but in Python.

The code block below creates a bar chart showing the number of cumulative tests and cumulative negative cases over a period of six days from the DataFrame, df, imported above.

y1 = df[20:25,2]; 
y2 = df[20:25,3];
x = df[20:25,1];

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = plt.subplot() 
ax.bar(x, y1, label="cumulative tests",color="black")
ax.bar(x, y2, label="cumulative negative cases",color="grey")
ax.set_title("Covid-19 data in Country X",fontsize=18,color="green")
ax.set_ylabel("number of cases",fontsize=14,color="red")

The bar chart above could be improved by allocating a bar for each category. This is done using the code block below.

barWidth = 0.25
br1 = 1:1:length(x)
br2 = [x + barWidth for x in br1]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot() 
ax.bar(br1, y1,color="r", width=barWidth, edgecolor ="grey",label="cumulative tests")
ax.bar(br2, y2,color ="g",width=barWidth, edgecolor ="grey", label="cumulative negative cases")
ax.set_title("Covid-19 data in Country X",fontsize=18,color="green")
ax.set_xlabel("date", fontweight ="bold",fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel("number of cases", fontweight ="bold",fontsize=14)
plt.xticks([r + barWidth for r in br1],  ["2/8/2020", "2/9/2020", "2/10/2020", "2/11/2020", "2/12/2020","2/13/2020"])

Understanding the exponential growth associated with covid19 requires plotting the whole dataset which is over the span of 44 days. Therefore, the next code block aims to show the covid cases of the complete dataset.

days = 1:1:44
days_array = collect(days)
confirmed_cases = df[:,4]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.subplot()
ax.bar(days_array,confirmed_cases , color ="blue",width = 0.4)
ax.set_title("A bar chart showing cumulative confirmed covid-19 cases in country X",fontsize=22,color="darkgreen")
ax.set_xlabel("day number",fontsize=16,color="darkgreen")
ax.set_ylabel("number of cases",fontsize=16,color="darkgreen")
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(pad = 5)
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(pad = 10)
ax.grid(b = 1, color ="grey",linestyle ="-.", linewidth = 0.5,alpha = 0.2)
fig.text(0.3, 0.8, "SCDA-JaafarBallout", fontsize = 10,color ="grey", ha ="right", va ="bottom",alpha = 0.6)

Even though bar charts are powerful in our case, it is still nice to observe the exponential curve. For that, a code block is presented below to plot the growth curve of confirmed cases.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.subplot()
ax.plot(days_array,confirmed_cases , color ="blue",marker="o",markersize=6, linewidth=2, linestyle ="--")
ax.set_title("A bar chart showing cumulative confirmed covid-19 cases in country X",fontsize=22,color="darkgreen")
ax.set_xlabel("day number",fontsize=16,color="darkgreen")
ax.set_ylabel("number of cases",fontsize=16,color="darkgreen")
ax.grid(b = 1, color ="grey",linestyle ="-.", linewidth = 0.5,alpha = 0.2)
fig.text(0.3, 0.8, "SCDA-JaafarBallout", fontsize = 10,color ="grey", ha ="right", va ="bottom",alpha = 0.6)
plt.xticks(size=16, color ="black")
plt.yticks(size=16, color ="black")

Realizing a meme! (with Julia)

Recently, this meme got viral. So, it is nice to figure the missing functions by plotting.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2);

x1 = range(-10, 10, length=1000);
y1 = range(1, 1,length =1000);

axs[1].plot(x1, y1, color="blue", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-");

x2 = range(-10, 10, length=1000);
y2 = x2.^3;

axs[2].plot(x2, y2, color="blue", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-");
axs[2].set_title("Y = X^(3)");

x3 = range(-10, 10, length=1000);
y3 = x2.^2;

axs[3].plot(x3, y3, color="blue", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-");
axs[3].set_title("Y = X^(2)");

x4 = range(-5, 5, length=1000);
y4 = cos.(x4);

axs[4].plot(x4, y4, color="blue", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-");
axs[4].set_title("Y = cos(X)");

Graphing networks by hand or traditional software seems exhausting. In future posts, I will demonstrate how to draw complicated networks using Julia and its dependencies. Then, I will solve the network problem using the JuMP package.

The post Using DataFrames and PyPlot in Julia appeared first on Supply Chain Data Analytics.

JuliaCon 2015: Everyday Analytics and Visualization (video)

By: randyzwitch - Articles

Re-posted from: http://randyzwitch.com/juliacon-2015-everyday-analytics-and-visualization-video/

At long last, here’s the video of my presentation from JuliaCon 2015, discussion common analytics tasks and visualization. This is really two talks, the first being an example of using the citibike NYC API to analyze ridership of their public bike program, and the second a discussion of the Vega.jl package.

Speaking at JuliaCon 2015 at MIT CSAIL is the professional highlight of my year; hopefully even more of you will attend next year.


Edit: For those of you who would like to follow-along using the actual presentation code, it is available on GitHub.

Vega.jl Rebooted – Now with 100% More Pie and Donut Charts!

By: randyzwitch - Articles

Re-posted from: http://randyzwitch.com/vega-jl-julia/







Mmmmm, chartjunk!

Rebooting Vega.jl

Recently, I’ve found myself without a project to hack on, and I’ve always been interested in learning more about browser-based visualization. So I decided to revive the work that John Myles White had done in building Vega.jl nearly two years ago. And since I’ll be giving an analytics & visualization workshop at JuliaCon 2015, I figure I better study the topic in a bit more depth.

Back In Working Order!

The first thing I tackled here was to upgrade the syntax to target v0.4 of Julia. This is just my developer preference, to avoid using Compat.jl when there are so many more visualizations I’d like to support. So if you’re using v0.4, you shouldn’t see any deprecation errors; if you’re using v0.3, well, eventually you’ll use v0.4!

Additionally, I modified the package to recognize the traction that Jupyter Notebook has gained in the community. Whereas the original version of Vega.jl only displayed output in a tab in a browser, I’ve overloaded the writemime method to display :VegaVisualization inline for any environment that can display HTML. If you use Vega.jl from the REPL, you’ll still get the same default browser-opening behavior as existed before.

The First Visualization You Added Was A Pie Chart…

…And Followed With a Donut Chart?

Yup. I’m a troll like that. Besides, being loudly against pie charts is blowhardy (even if studies have shown that people are too stupid to evaluate them).

Adding these two charts (besides trolling) was a proof-of-concept that I understood the codebase sufficiently in order to extend the package. Now that the syntax is working for Julia v0.4, I understand how the package works (important!), and have improved the workflow by supporting Jupyter Notebook, I plan to create all of the visualizations featured in the Trifacta Vega Editor and other standard visualizations such as boxplots. If the community has requests for the order of implementation, I’ll try and accommodate them. Just add a feature request on Vega.jl GitHub issues.

Why Not Gadfly? You’re Not Starting A Language War, Are You?

No, I’m not that big of a troll. Besides, I don’t think we’ve squeezed all the juice (blood?!) out of the R vs. Python infographic yet, we don’t need another pointless debate.

My sole reason for not improving Gadfly is just that I plain don’t understand how the codebase works! There are many amazing computer scientists & developers in the Julia community, and I’m not really one of them. I do, however, understand how to generate JSON strings and in that sense, Vega is the perfect platform for me to contribute.

Collaborators Wanted!

If you’re interested in visualization, as well as learning Julia and/or contributing to a package, Vega.jl might be a good place to start. I’m always up for collaborating with people, and creating new visualizations isn’t that difficult (especially with the Trifacta examples). So hopefully some of you will be interested in enough to join me to adding one more great visualization library to the Julia community.