Tag Archives: book

Why you (yes, you!) should care about Julia

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Learn Julia, now available in early access from Manning. I imagine you holding this book in your hand at your favourite bookstore, and contemplating whether to buy it. “Why should I care about Julia?”, you wonder. “There are hundreds of languages around. The statistical community uses […]

The #juliabook is here

The last few weeks were incredibly busy. Between days of going through corrections, re-running code for the th time to make sure it works on different architectures, tweaking graphics and a myriad other issues – while also preparing for a move overseas! -, I had pretty little time to process what culminated today in the […]

String indexing in Julia

Julia has a few peculiarities in string indexing, an area generally blissfully devoid of such gotchas in most programming languages. Some of these can cause quite unpleasant results, and as such it’s helpful to have a good understanding of how string indices work. The other day, I have helped someone through a bit of code […]