SciML: An Open Source Software Organization for Scientific Machine Learning

By: SciML

Re-posted from:

Computational scientific discovery is at an interesting juncture. While we have
mechanistic models of lots of different scientific phenomena, and reams of data
being generated from experiments – our computational capabilities are unable to
keep up. Our problems are too large for realistic simulation. Our problems
are multiscale and too stiff. Our problems require tedious work like
calculating gradients and getting code to run on GPUs and supercomputers.
Our next step forward is a combination of science and machine learning, which
combines mechanistic models with data based reasoning, presented as a unified
set of abstractions and a high performance implementation. We refer to this as
scientific machine learning.

Scientific Machine Learning, abbreviated SciML, has been taking the academic
world by storm as an interesting blend of traditional scientific mechanistic
modeling (differential equations) with machine learning methodologies like
deep learning.
While traditional
deep learning methodologies have had difficulties with scientific issues like
stiffness, interpretability, and enforcing physical constraints, this blend
with numerical analysis and differential equations has evolved into a field of
research with new methods, architectures, and algorithms which overcome these
problems while adding the data-driven automatic learning features of modern
deep learning. Many successes have already been found, with tools like
physics-informed neural networks,
deep BSDE solvers for high dimensional PDEs,
and neural surrogates showcasing how
deep learning can greatly improve scientific modeling practice. At the same time,
researchers are quickly finding that our training techniques will need to be
modified in order to work on difficult scientific models. For example the original method of
reversing an ODE for an adjoint or relying on backpropagation through the solver
is not numerically stable for neural ODEs
and traditional optimizers made for machine learning, like Stochastic
Gradient Descent and ADAM have difficulties handling the ill-conditioned Hessians
of physics-informed neural networks
New software will be required in order to accommodate the unique numerical
difficulties that occur in this field, and facilitate the connection between
scientific simulators and scientific machine learning training loops.

SciML is an open source software organization for the development
and maintenance of a feature-filled and high performance set of tooling for
scientific machine learning. This includes the full gamut of tools from
differential equation solvers to scientific simulators and tools for automatically
discovering scientific models. What I want to do with this post is introduce
the organization by explaining a few things:

  • What SciML provides
  • What our goals are
  • Our next steps
  • How you can join in the process

The Software that SciML Provides

We provide best-in-class tooling for solving differential equations

We will continue to have DifferentialEquations.jl at
the core of the organization to support high performance solving of the differential
equations that show up in scientific models. This means we plan to continue the
research and development in:

  • Discrete equations (function maps, discrete stochastic (Gillespie/Markov) simulations)
  • Ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
  • Split and partitioned ODEs (Symplectic integrators, IMEX Methods)
  • Stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODEs or SDEs)
  • Random differential equations (RODEs or RDEs)
  • Differential algebraic equations (DAEs)
  • Delay differential equations (DDEs)
  • Mixed discrete and continuous equations (Hybrid Equations, Jump Diffusions)
  • (Stochastic) partial differential equations ((S)PDEs) (with both finite difference and finite element methods)

along with continuing to push towards new domains, like stochastic delay differential
equations, fractional differential equations, and beyond. However, optimal control,
(Bayesian) parameter estimation, and automated model discovery all require every
possible bit of performance, and thus we will continue to add functionality that improves
the performance for solving both large and small differential equation models.
This includes features like:

We plan to continue our research into these topics and make sure our software is
best in class. We plan to keep improving the performance of
DifferentialEquations.jl until it is best-in-class in every benchmark we have,
and then we plan to add more benchmarks to find more behaviors and handle those
as well. Here is a current benchmark showcasing native DifferentialEquations.jl
methods outperforming classical Fortran methods like LSODA by 5x on a 20
equation stiff ODE benchmark:

Reference: Pollution Model Benchmarks

We provide tools for deriving and fitting scientific models

It is very rare that someone thinks their model is perfect. Thus a large portion
of the focus of our organization is to help scientific modelers derive equations
and fit models. This includes tools for:

Some of our newer tooling like DataDrivenDiffEq.jl
can even take in timeseries data and generate LaTeX code for the best fitting model
(for a recent demonstration, see this fitting of a COVID-19 epidemic model).

We note that while these tools will continue to be tested with differential
equation models, many of these tools apply to scientific models in
general. For example, while our global sensitivity analysis tools have been
documented in the differential equation solver, these methods actually work on
any function f(p):

using QuasiMonteCarlo, DiffEqSensitivity
function ishi(X)
    A= 7
    B= 0.1
    sin(X[1]) + A*sin(X[2])^2+ B*X[3]^4 *sin(X[1])

n = 600000
lb = -ones(4)*π
ub = ones(4)*π
sampler = SobolSample()
A,B = QuasiMonteCarlo.generate_design_matrices(n,lb,ub,sampler)
res1 = gsa(ishi,Sobol(),A,B)

Reorganizing under the SciML umbrella will make it easier for users to discover
and apply our global sensitivity analysis methods outside of differential equation
contexts, such as with neural networks.

We provide high-level domain-specific modeling tools to make scientific modeling more accessible

Differential equations appear in nearly every scientific domain, but most
scientific domains have their own specialized idioms and terminology.
A physicist, biologist, chemist, etc. should be able to pick up our tools and make
use of high performance scientific machine learning methods without requiring the
understanding of every component and using abstractions that make sense to
their field. To make this a reality, we provide high-level
domain-specific modeling tools as frontends for building and generating models.

DiffEqBiological.jl is a prime
example which generates high performance simulations from a description of the
chemical reactions. For example, the following solves the Michaelis-Menton model
using an ODE and then a Gillespie model:

rs = @reaction_network begin
  c1, S + E --> SE
  c2, SE --> S + E
  c3, SE --> P + E
end c1 c2 c3
p = (0.00166,0.0001,0.1)
tspan = (0., 100.)
u0 = [301., 100., 0., 0.]  # S = 301, E = 100, SE = 0, P = 0

# solve ODEs
oprob = ODEProblem(rs, u0, tspan, p)
osol  = solve(oprob, Tsit5())

# solve JumpProblem
u0 = [301, 100, 0, 0]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(rs, u0, tspan, p)
jprob = JumpProblem(dprob, Direct(), rs)
jsol = solve(jprob, SSAStepper())

This builds a specific form that can then use optimized methods like DirectCR
and achieve an order of magnitude better performance than the classic Gillespie
SSA methods:

Reference: Diffusion Model Benchmarks

Additionally, we have physics-based tooling and support external libraries like:

We support commercial tooling built on our software like the Pumas
software for pharmaceutical modeling and simulation which is being adopted
throughout the industry. We make it easy to generate models of multi-scale
systems using tools like MultiScaleArrays.jl:

and build compilers like ModelingToolkit.jl
that provide automatic analysis and optimization of model code. By adding automated
code parallelization and BLT transforms to ModelingToolkit, users of DiffEqBiological,
Pumas, ParameterizedFunctions.jl,
etc. will all see their code automatically become more efficient.

We provide high-level implementations of the latest algorithms in scientific machine learning

The translational step of bringing new methods of computational science to
scientists in application areas is what will allow next-generation exploration to occur. We
provide libraries like:

  • DiffEqFlux.jl for neural and universal differential equations
  • DataDrivenDiffEq.jl for automated equation generation with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) and SInDy type methods
  • ReservoirComputing.jl for echo state networks and prediction of chaotic systems
  • NeuralNetDiffEq.jl for Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) and Deep BSDE solvers of 100 dimensional PDEs

We will continue to expand this portion of our offering, building tools that
automatically solve PDEs from a symbolic description using neural networks,
and generate mesh-free discretizers.

We provide users of all common scientific programming languages the ability to use our tooling

While the main source of our tooling is centralized in the Julia programming language,
we see Julia as a “language of libraries”, like C++ or Fortran, for developing
scientific libraries that can be widely used across the whole community. We
have previously demonstrated this capability with tools like diffeqpy
and diffeqr for
using DifferentialEquations.jl from Python and R respectively, and we plan to
continue along these lines to allow as much of our tooling as possible be accessible
from as many languages as possible. While there will always be some optimizations
that can only occur when used from the Julia programming language, DSL builders
like ModelingToolkit.jl will be
used to further expand the capabilities and performance of our wrappers.

Here’s an example which solves stochastic differential equations with high order adaptive methods
from Python:

# pip install diffeqpy
from diffeqpy import de
# diffeqpy.install()

def f(du,u,p,t):
    x, y, z = u
    sigma, rho, beta = p
    du[0] = sigma * (y - x)
    du[1] = x * (rho - z) - y
    du[2] = x * y - beta * z

def g(du,u,p,t):
    du[0] = 0.3*u[0]
    du[1] = 0.3*u[1]
    du[2] = 0.3*u[2]

numba_f = numba.jit(f)
numba_g = numba.jit(g)
u0 = [1.0,0.0,0.0]
tspan = (0., 100.)
p = [10.0,28.0,2.66]
prob = de.SDEProblem(numba_f, numba_g, u0, tspan, p)
sol = de.solve(prob)

# Now let's draw a phase plot

ut = numpy.transpose(sol.u)
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

We provide tools for researching methods in scientific machine learning

Last but not least, we support the research activities of practitioners in
scientific machine learning. Tools like DiffEqDevTools.jl
and RootedTrees.jl make it easy to
create and benchmark new methods and accelerate the publication
process for numerical researchers. Our wrappers for external tools like
FEniCS.jl and
SciPyDiffEq.jl make it easy to perform
cross-platform comparisons. Our stack is entirely written within Julia,
which means every piece can be tweaked on the fly, making it easy to mix
and match Hamiltonian integrators with neural networks to discover new scientific
applications. Our issues and chat channel
serve as places to not just debug existing software, but also discuss new
methods and help create high performance implementations.

In addition, we support many student activities to bring new researchers into the
community. Many of the maintainers of our packages, like Yingbo Ma, Vaibhav Dixit,
Kanav Gupta, Kirill Zubov, etc. all started as one of our over 50 student developers
from past Google Summer of Code and other
Julia Seasons of Contributions.

The Goal of SciML

When you read a paper that is
mixing neural networks with differential equations (our recent paper, available as a preprint)
or designing new neural networks that satisfy incompressibility for modeling Navier-Stokes,
you should be able to go online and find tweakable, high quality, and highly
maintained package implementations of these methodologies to either start using
for your scientific research, or utilize as a starting point for furthering the
methods of scientific machine learning. For this reason, the goal of the SciML
OSS organization is to be a hub for the development of robust cross-language
scientific machine learning software. In order to make this a reality, we as
an organization commit to the following principles

Everything that we build is compatible with automatic differentiation

Putting an arbitrary piece of code from the SciML group into a training loop of
some machine learning library like Flux will naturally work.
This means we plan to enforce coding styles that are compatible with language-wide differentiable programming
tools like Zygote, or provide pre-defined
forward/adjoint rules via the derivative rule package ChainRules.jl.

As demonstrated in the following animation, you can take our stochastic
differential equation solvers and train a circuit to control the solution
by simply piecing together compatible packages.

Performance is considered a priority, and performance issues are considered bugs

No questions asked. If you can find something else that is performing better, we
consider that an issue and should get it fixed. High performance is required for
scientific machine learning to scale, and so we take performance seriously.

Our packages are routinely and robustly tested with the tools for both scientific simulation and machine learning

This means we will continue to develop tools like
DiffEqFlux.jl which supports the
connection between the DifferentialEquations.jl
differential equation solvers and the Flux deep learning
library. Another example includes our
surrogate modeling library, Surrogates.jl
which is routinely tested with DifferentialEquations.jl and the machine learning
AD tooling like Zygote.jl, meaning that you can be sure that our surrogates
modeling tools can train on differential equations and then be used inside
of deep learning stacks. It is this interconnectivity that will allow
next-generation SciML methodologies to get productionized in a way that will
impact “big science” and industrial use.

We keep up with advances in computational hardware to ensure compatibility with the latest high performance computing tools.

Today, Intel CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs are the dominant platforms, but that won’t always
be the case. One of the upcoming top supercomputers will be entirely AMD-based, with AMD CPUs and AMD GPUs. In addition,
Intel GPUs
are scheduled to be a component in future supercomputers. We are
committed to maintaining a SciML toolchain that works on all major platforms,
updating our compiler backends as new technology is released.

Our Next Steps

To further facilitate our focus to SciML, the next steps that we are looking at
are the following:

  • We will continue to advance differential equation solving in many different
    directions, such as adding support for stochastic delay differential equations
    and improving our methods for DAEs.
  • We plan to create a new documentation setup. Instead of having everything
    inside of the DifferentialEquations.jl documentation,
    we plan to split out some of the SciML tools to their own complete documentation.
    We have already done this for Surrogates.jl.
    Next on the list is DiffEqFlux.jl
    which by looking at the README should be clear is in need of its own full docs.
    Following that we plan to fully document NeuralNetDiffEq.jl
    and its Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) functionality,
    DataDrivenDiffEq.jl, etc.
    Because it does not require differential equations, we plan to split out the
    documentation of Global Sensitivity Analysis
    to better facilitate its wider usage.
  • We plan to continue improving the ModelingToolkit
    ecosystem utilizing its symbolic nature for generic specification of PDEs.
    This would then be used as a backend with Auto-ML as an automated way to solve
    any PDE with Physics-Informed Neural Networks.
  • We plan to continue benchmarking everything, and improve our setup to include
    automatic updates to the benchmarks for better performance regression tracking.
    We plan to continue adding to our benchmarks, including benchmarks with MPI
    and GPUs.
  • We plan to improve the installation of the Python and R side tooling, making
    it automatically download precompiled Julia binaries so that way users can
    utilize the tooling just by using CRAN or pip to install the package. We
    plan to extend our Python and R offerings to include our neural network
    infused software like DiffEqFlux and NeuralNetDiffEq.
  • We plan to get feature-completeness in data driven modeling techniques like
    Radial Basis Function (RBF) surrogates,
    Dynamic Mode Decomposition and SInDy type methods,
    and Model Order Reduction.
  • We plan to stay tightly coupled to the latest techniques in SciML, implementing
    new physically-constrained neural architectures, optimizers, etc. as they
    are developed.

How You Can Join in the Process

If you want to be a part of SciML, that’s great, you’re in! Here are some things
you can start doing:

  • Star our libraries like DifferentialEquations.jl.
    Such recognition drives our growth to sustain the project.
  • Join our chatroom to discuss with us.
  • If you’re a student, find a summer project that interests you
    and apply for funding through Google Summer of Code or other processes (contact
    us if you are interested)
  • Start contributing! We recommend opening up an issue to discuss first, and we
    can help you get started.
  • Help update our websites, tutorials, benchmarks, and documentation
  • Help answer questions on Stack Overflow, the Julia Discourse,
    and other sites!
  • Hold workshops to train others on our tools.

There are many ways to get involved, so if you’d like some help figuring out
how, please get in touch with us.