Deduplication of rows in DataFrames.jl

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


Deduplication of rows in a table is one of the basic functionalities that
is often needed when working with data frames. Today I discuss the
allunique, nonunique, unique, and unique! functions that
are provided by DataFrames.jl and can help you with this task.

The post was written under Julia 1.10.1 and DataFrames.jl 1.6.1.

Checking if a data frame has duplicate rows

Let us start with discussing how one can check if a data frame has duplicate rows
as this is the simplest check and the functionalities that we discuss here
carry-over to other functions that we discuss later.

First create a simple data frame:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(x=1:6, y=[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -0.0])
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     3      1.0
   4 │     4      2.0
   5 │     5      0.0
   6 │     6     -0.0

By just calling the allunique function we can check if whole rows of this data frame are unique:

julia> allunique(df)

In this case we get true as indeed all rows are unique. It is guaranteed by the column "x" which holds
consecutive integers.

However, we can pass a second positional argument to allunique. In this case we can narrow down the list of
checked columns:

julia> allunique(df, "y")

Here we checked uniqueness of only column "y", which contains duplicates, e.g. row 1 and row 3 contain the same value 1.0,
so we got false.

But this is not all. The second positional argument can be any transformation that is supported by the select function.
Therefore, for example, we can run:

julia> allunique(df, "x" => ByRow(iseven))

We got false, as applying the iseven to the x column creates duplicates since we have multiple even and odd values in it.
But e.g. we have:

julia> allunique(df, "x" => ByRow(x -> x^2))

Now we get true as squares of consecutive integers are unique.

We can pass several transformations as well:

julia> allunique(df, ["x" => ByRow(x -> mod(x, 3)), "y" => identity])

To convince ourselves that the true result is correct let us run the select operation with the same argument:

julia> select(df, ["x" => ByRow(x -> mod(x, 3)), "y" => identity])
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x_function  y_identity
     │ Int64       Float64
   1 │          1         1.0
   2 │          2         2.0
   3 │          0         1.0
   4 │          1         2.0
   5 │          2         0.0
   6 │          0        -0.0

Indeed the rows produced by this operation are unique.

Finding duplicate rows

To get a vector with indicators of duplicate rows in a data frame use the nonunique function. Here are three examples of its usage
(note it also can take a second positional argument just like allunique):

julia> nonunique(df)
6-element Vector{Bool}:

All rows are unique in df, as we already know, so we got a vector of falses in the call above.

Now the second example:

julia> nonunique(df, "x" => ByRow(iseven))
6-element Vector{Bool}:

Here we see that we get true for all rows for which there was already a duplicate row before. So first two rows get false (non-duplicated)
and the following rows have the true indicator (as we have already seen an even and an odd number in column "x").

Now look at the last example:

julia> nonunique(df, "y")
6-element Vector{Bool}:

You might be surprised by the last false. The reason is that all the de-duplication functions use isequal to compare values for equality,
and 0.0 is not equal to -0.0 in this comparison:

julia> isequal(0.0, -0.0)

This behavior matches the way how dictionaries work in Julia.

Additionally the nonunique has a keep keyword argument. It allows us to change the default behavior which rows are marked as duplicate.
If we pass keep=:last then the last of the duplicated rows is marked as unique. See for example:

julia> nonunique(df, "x" => ByRow(iseven); keep=:last)
6-element Vector{Bool}:

We get false in last two rows as 5 and 6 are last even and odd numbers respectively.

The third option is keep=:noduplicates in which case only rows that have no duplicates are marked as unique. So we have:

julia> nonunique(df, "x" => ByRow(iseven); keep=:noduplicates)
6-element Vector{Bool}:

as no row was truly unique, but we have:

julia> nonunique(df, "y"; keep=:noduplicates)
6-element Vector{Bool}:

as first four rows were duplicated, but rows with 0.0 and -0.0 are indeed unique.

Removing duplicate rows from a data frame

The nonunique function returns a vector of duplicate indicators. Often we just want to get rid of them from our data frame.
The unique and unique! functions can be used to perform this operation. They support the same arguments as nonunique.
You have three options how you cen get your result:

  • using unique you get a new data frame by default;
  • using unique with view=true keyword argument passed you get a view of the source data frame with duplicates removed;
  • using unique! you drop the duplicates in-place from the source data frame.

Let us see how it works. First plain unique:

julia> unique(df, "y")
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     5      0.0
   4 │     6     -0.0

We got a new data frame. The df data frame is unchanged. The second option is a view:

julia> unique(df, "y"; view=true)
4×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     5      0.0
   4 │     6     -0.0

Note that still df is untouched:

julia> df
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     3      1.0
   4 │     4      2.0
   5 │     5      0.0
   6 │     6     -0.0

And finally we can change the df data frame in place:

julia> unique!(df, "y")
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     5      0.0
   4 │     6     -0.0

julia> df
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1.0
   2 │     2      2.0
   3 │     5      0.0
   4 │     6     -0.0

In this case, as you can see, the df data frame was updated.


I hope that you will find this review of the functionalities of the
allunique, nonunique, unique, and unique! functions useful.

As a summary remember that:

  • You can determine uniqueness of rows based on transformations of data contained in the source data frame.
  • You can decide which rows are marked as duplicate using the keep keyword argument.