DataFrames.jl @ JuliaCon2020

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:

This year JuliaCon is fully on line and for free!

I am co-authoring two talks during this event.

Let me start with one that is not directly DataFrames.jl related, but I think it
is a nice showcase of situations where Julia shines. It is prepared with
Przemysław Szufel, where Przemysław shows how one can build a large
scale simulation of transportation networks using Julia. You can find the
details here.

The second talk is a tutorial is about DataFrames.jl indexing and you can find
more information about it [here][]. In
particular the materials that I will cover during this talk are available for
download on GitHub here.

Finally, if you interested in data management related ecosystem in Julia, make
sure to join Julia & Data: An Evolving Ecosystem that is organized by
Jacob Quinn for a discussion about its current state and future