Author Archives: PathToPerformance

🚧 WIP 🚧 From Julia to BQN

By: PathToPerformance

Re-posted from:

Here's the rough sketch of this blogpost:

  1. I will give a brief intro to BQN and talk about its pros and cos

  2. I will show a few Julia vs BQN code problems side by syde

  3. I will argue that there's areas for Julians to draw inspiration from BQN

  4. I will give a few resources at the end for you to dive deeper.

As usual, if you want to support my writings and open source work, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub. I'm reaaaaally close to 50 monthly sponsors, and it makes a huuuuge difference in how much time/worries/resources I have for working on stuff like this.

Alright, on with the blogpost.

Why is BQN is cool

  1. It has fast multidimensional arrays

  2. They love unicode

  3. It has a REPL!

  4. It's super at code golfing 🏌

  5. It's self hosted

  6. They use JuliaMono! 💝

  7. They're building a JIT!

Name: funny bacon puns. Also "APL" .+ 1 == "BQM", but people noticed too late before the "bacon" puns began. BQN vs APL:

Getting started

  • BQN keyoard

  • Tutorial

  • Note: If you are going to try to use your terminal with the CQBN REPL (the fastest implementation), note that you will want to do rlwrap -r BQN to fire it up.

  • The nvim-bqn interface is the best local option I've found.

  • Remember to change your terminal font to JuliaMono, otherwiseyour code will be even more unreadable (at first!).


  • 15 reshape range 10 # cycles!

  • transpose 3_3


online REPL or download BQN repo and open with browser BQN/docs/try.html from their github repo.

Everything in green is a function Everything in yellow is a 1 modifier Everything in purple/pink is a 2 modifer

Defining Hi function


  • Problems: palindromes, count different words, Remove HTML Tags


Julia vs BQN problems:

Here's a few "classic" problems in both Julia and BQN

  1. Find the Hamming/edit distance between 2 strings:

julia> dist(s1, s2) = count(((x,y),) -> x != y, zip(s1, s2))
dist (generic function with 1 method)julia> dist("ACCAGGG", "ACTATGG")
2julia> dist(s1, s2) = sum(map(!=, s1, s2)) # kudos to Michael Abbot for the broadcasting tip
dist (generic function with 1 method)julia> dist(s1, s2) = mapreduce(!=, +, s1, s2) # kudos to J. Ling for this one

And in BQN:

s1 ← "XXXXGGG"
s2 ← "ACTAGGG"
Sol ← +´≠
s1 Sol s2 # 4

This is a neat 3 char solution that Asher will no doubt be very proud of.

  1. Increasing Array

You should take 3 minutes to go read the problem statement.

I like that after seeing the problem (you should go and click the link), I didn't think about a C++ but a BQN solution. Here's my attempt:

a ← 3‿2‿5‿1‿7
Sol ← {+´𝕩-˜⌈`𝕩}
Sol ← +´∘(⌈`-⊢) # Asher's solution
Sol a

which in Julia I would write like

julia> x = [3 2 5 1 7];
julia> sol(x) = accumulate(max, x) - x |> sum;
julia> sol(x);

Which took be a bit because scanl is called accumulate in Julia. Not too shabby. (Extra kudos if you can get a non-allocating version working)

  1. Maximum parenthesis depth

  1. Remove HTML Tags

Problem spec:

Given the string "<div>Hello <b>CppNorth!</b></div>", remove the HTML tags (underne

The following snippets are thanks to dzaima on the BQN Discord:

)t:10000000 {𝕩/˜¬(≠`∨⊢)(𝕩='>')∨𝕩='<'} "<div>Hello <b>CppNorth!</b></div>"

On a make o3n-singeli build (built for SIMD speedups):

)t:10000000 ¬∘(≠`∨⊢)∘(=⟜'>'∨=⟜'<')⊸/ "<div>Hello <b>CppNorth!</b></div>"

On a 100x longer input it rips at about 0.24ns/character (without a block):

≠a←∾100⥊<"<div>Hello <b>CppNorth!</b></div>"
   )t:1000000 ¬∘(≠`∨⊢)∘(=⟜'>'∨=⟜'<')⊸/ a
  1. "LURD" robot

What Julians can learn from BQN

  1. Broadcasting semantics, Each ([¨](, and Taking Arrays Seriously™.

  2. Data parallelism techniques.

  3. Bit vector optimizations.

  4. Flattening data recursive structures for performance.

  5. Array-ify all the things.

  6. Algorithmic thinking

Notes and words of caution

The syntax and symbols of BQN is a big "love it or hate it" part of the deal. I won't try to convince you to like it, but I have found it much easier to take a silly, mnemonic based approach to what each symbol does: * ≡"abc" will give you the "depth" of something, because it looks like a little ladder that you descend * is taking the "highest" value (and is thus the max), is taking the "lowest" * will be dragging all the stuff to the right of the tick towards the +, so it's a reduction * +` If you use the tick the other way, you will be dragging the +towards the stuff on the right, so it's a scan, from left to right. These are just the examples that come to mind, but I've found (completely subjectively) for BQN's symbology to be a bit friendlier/more consistent than APL's. Be mindful that the character to denote lists is not the same as that of arrays. The docs say that newbies usually start out with these for easy manipulation examples and gradually move on to explicit array notation with the fancy brackets:

3 1⊸+⊸× 5
    3‿1⊸+⊸× 5
⟨ 40 30 ⟩

As stated in the page, general array notation is a thorny problem in APL, and it took Julia about 10 years to finally nail down the tools and syntax to land it in Base..

  • Reading BQN/APL is likely where the learning difficulty curve hits hardest when starting out – this docs page was very useful to grok that ˜ is a 1-modifier (as all symbols that "float higher up") and (like all symbols with unbroken circles) are 2-modifiers. Concretely, having a context free grammar removes ambiguity

  • When I'm struggling to find out how to write my solutions to problems like the Increasing Array, this is my workflow:

    1. Start with thinking "I should propagate the max function" like ⌈`a. I'll press Shift+Enter on the online BQN REPL and build up the solution

    2. "I should now try to subtract it from the original array" and write a-⌈`a

    3. "Ah, right – I need to add a flip thingy" and evaluate a-˜⌈`a

    4. "Sweet, just have to reduce with a sum now" +´a-˜⌈`a

    5. "Ok, to make it tacit I had to use those ⊣ ⊢ thingies." (I go and review the modifiers diagrams docs)

    6. (After much plugging away at the REPL) … "Dammit, I forgot I can use the Explain button!"

    7. (Fiddle around some more) "OK, I think I got it" and write

Sol ← +´∘(⌈`-⊢)
  • The next big step up in BQN skills is identifying function trains, which took me a bit of spelunking about in the manual before finding it. For example, going from the first line to the second in this snippet 👇🏻

"whatsin" {(𝕨∊𝕩)/𝕨} "intersect"
"whatsin" (∊/⊣) "intersect"

proficiently will really up your game in code-golfing powers, should you be interested in that. This APL Wiki page and the Trainspotting links and videos at the end are also useful resources.

Useful idioms

At some point, any seasoned array programmer develops a good collection of known code snippets. Here's a few to save you some headaches:

  • Reading lines from a file can be done via:

lines ← •FLines "day01-a-test.txt"
nums ← •BQN¨ lines

The •BQN¨ isn't optimal, but it's good enough to get going with AdventOfCode problems.

  • Benchmarking! (I am a Julia REPL stan after all.) If you're in the REPL, you can use )t:X

)t:1000 3+3
14.666 ns

This will run your code X times and tell you how long it took on average. Elsewhere, •_timed can be bound to the left argument How does one get a finer performance report though? Dzaima kindly posted:

perf report of that, with some comments – most of the time is in replicate (which is implemented with pdep & pext, i.e. SWAR; 8 bytes per iteration), followed by the ≠-scan, which is more SWAR, but it processes 64 items per iteration so it's fast

To get that, you do

sudo perf record rlwrap ./BQN

type in your script and then

sudo perf report
  • TODO Generating random arrays:

If we need to repeat a string 100 times, we can use:

100⥊"<div>Hello <b>CppNorth!</b></div>"

That will give you the above string repeated 100 times.

Interesting resources

For those that truly want to stare into the abyss and have it stare right back at them, there's some ~university level courses that are written in APL/BQN/J.

What's next?

…Well, I think I want to learn a bit from the people that took parallelism and performance seriously in ML aka, "What if Haskell wasn't slow and they wanted to dunk on MATLAB"?

Don't forget…


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