Author Archives: Julia on Aleph-Zero-Heroes

Julia, Julia, Julia, …

By: Julia on Aleph-Zero-Heroes

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Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.
Larry Wall Intro The first deep thing I remember learning about mathematics (and have since applied to programming and data science) isn’t a formula. It’s that mathematicians should be lazy. Don’t waste time doing X when Y is quicker. Maths is all about finding Y. Computer science is about building Y.

DataFrame to Dictionary

By: Julia on Aleph-Zero-Heroes

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Intro There are two Julia data structures that I use again and again:
Dictionaries DataFrames Dictionaries are supplied in the Julia distribution as a standard data type. Data-frames have to be added using the DataFrames.jl package. They are both incredibly useful for reasons I will explain below.
And one of the things I find almost as useful as either of them by themselves is the ability to convert from one to another.

Sharp Data Science

By: Julia on Aleph-Zero-Heroes

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Intro I recently dug out my old Sharp PC-1500 pocket computer12. It had severe limits, but I learned to program on that thing, and I learned better because of its limits, not despite them.
I got the Sharp circa 1982, which was a very good year. Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta started – one of my favourite comics ever and the origin of the Anonymous movement. Blade Runner came out – the best movie ever.