Tag Archives: jupyter-notebook

JuliaLang: The Ingredients for a Composable Programming Language

By: oxinabox.github.io

Re-posted from: https://white.ucc.asn.au/2020/02/09/whycompositionaljulia.html

One of the most remarkable things about the julia programming language,
is how well the packages compose.
You can almost always reuse someone else’s types or methods in your own software without issues.
This is generally taken on a high level to be true of all programming languages because that is what a library is.
However, experienced software engineers often note that its surprisingly difficult in practice to take something from one project and use it in another without tweaking.
But in the julia ecosystem this seems to mostly work.
This post explores some theories on why;
and some loose recommendations to future language designers.
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Dispatch, Traits and Metaprogramming Over Reflection

By: oxinabox.github.io

Re-posted from: https://white.ucc.asn.au/2018/10/03/Dispatch,-Traits-and-Metaprogramming-Over-Reflection.html

This is a blog post about about dispatch.
Mostly, single dispatch, though it trivially generalises to multiple dispatch,
because julia is a multiple dispatch language.

This post starts simple, and becomes complex.

  • Beginning with, introductory julia skills: dispatch
  • continue to intermidate julia skills: traits
  • and finishing up with advanced techniques: metaprogramming over reflection

The last of which is kinda evil.

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