Julia dispatching, @enum versus Type

By: Picaud Vincent

Re-posted from: https://pixorblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/23/julia-dispatch-enum-vs-type-comparison/

1 Context

Imagine the following scenario: a function func must efficiently calls a (short) subroutine belonging to predefined set of specialized functions. The chosen specialization is done thanks to a tag argument. Something like:

specialization(x,tag_1) = specialization 1
specialization(x,tag_2) = specialization 2

function func(tag) 
  # some code
  for i in range
  # some code

Like specialization is called often, an efficient solution to perform the dispatching is desired.

Here I check two Julia solutions, one using @enum, the other using Type.

2 @enum based approach

Coming from the C++ world, I will start from the following C++ code to propose a Julia solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

enum Tags { A, B, C }; // I do not used enum class on purpose, 
                       // to have A,B,C... as global identifiers

auto specialized(int x, std::integral_constant<Tags, A>) 
{ return 1 * x; }
auto specialized(int x, std::integral_constant<Tags, B>) 
{ return 2 * x; }
auto specialized(int x, std::integral_constant<Tags, C>) 
{ return 3 * x; }

template <Tags TAG>
constexpr auto Tags_v = std::integral_constant<Tags,TAG>();

template <Tags TAG>
auto func(std::integral_constant<Tags, TAG> tag)
  return specialized(10, tag); // no run-time penalty

int main() 
  std::cout << func(Tags_v<B>); 

In C++, there is no run-time penalty because the right specialization is chosen at compile-time. In basic situations like this one, the compiler even inline everything.

Julia provides an @enum macro. To mimic the C++ std::integral_constant we use the Type{Val{.}} trick.

@enum Tags A B C

specialized(x::Int,::Type{Val{A}}) = 1*x
specialized(x::Int,::Type{Val{B}}) = 2*x
specialized(x::Int,::Type{Val{C}}) = 3*x

func(::Type{Val{e}}) where {e} = specialized(10,Val{e})

This work as exepected:


The generated assembly code confirms that everything is inlined as in C++.

@code_native func(Val{B})
Filename: none
	pushq	%rbp
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
Source line: 1
	movl	$20, %eax
	popq	%rbp
	nopl	(%rax,%rax)

Comparison with C++:

The C++ code is 13 lines long whereas the Julia one is only 5 lines long. The call site syntax is nearly the same:




However, concerning the Julia solution, I have a minor regret. AFAIK in Julia we can not filter argument e with something like

func(::Type{Val{e}}) where {e::Tags} = specialized(10,Val{e}) # illegal code

This has several disadvantages. The code is less readable, not clearly showing our intent and argument restriction. Also, in case of bad use of the function, the error message is delayed until no specialization is found. For instance you can write:


and you will get the following error message:

julia> ERROR: MethodError: no method matching specialized(::Int64, ::Type{Val{1}})
Closest candidates are:
  specialized(::Int64, !Matched::Type{Val{A::Tags = 0}}) at none:1
  specialized(::Int64, !Matched::Type{Val{B::Tags = 1}}) at none:1
  specialized(::Int64, !Matched::Type{Val{C::Tags = 2}}) at none:1
 [1] func(::Type{Val{1}}) at ./none:1

The problem is that you have to search through the Stacktrace to find the origin of the error. In this simple example the answer is immediate but for deeper stracktrace maybe this can be the source of painful debugging.

In comparison, a compilation attempt of this C++ code:


prints an error message pointing directly at the call site:

test.cpp:22:21: error: invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘Tags’ [-fpermissive]

3 Type based solution

In C++ a possible implementation is:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

struct Tags {};
struct A : Tags {};
struct B : Tags {};
struct C : Tags {};

auto specialized(int x, A) { return 1 * x; }
auto specialized(int x, B) { return 2 * x; }
auto specialized(int x, C) { return 3 * x; }

template <typename TAG,typename ENABLED = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Tags,TAG>::value>>
auto func(TAG tag)
  return specialized(10, tag); // no run-time penalty

int main() 
  std::cout << func(B()); 

A Julia equivalent can be:

abstract type Tags end

struct A <: Tags end
struct B <: Tags end
struct C <: Tags end

specialized(x::Int,::Type{A}) = 1*x
specialized(x::Int,::Type{B}) = 2*x
specialized(x::Int,::Type{C}) = 3*x

func(::Type{T}) where {T<:Tags} = specialized(10,T)


A look at the generated assembly code also confirms that everything is inlined:

@code_native func(B)
Filename: none
	pushq	%rbp
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
Source line: 1
	movl	$20, %eax
	popq	%rbp
	nopl	(%rax,%rax)

Comparison with C++:

The Julia code is still shorter. The two syntax



func(B()); // (or func<A>() if we choose another implementation)

is in favor of Julia (as Julia directly supports DataType, no instantiation of B is required).

With the Type approach Julia does not suffer anymore from the “argument filtering” problem we had with the @enum approach.

For instance:


prints the following error message:

  : ERROR: MethodError: no method matching func(::Int64)
  : Closest candidates are:
  :   func(!Matched::Type{T<:Tags}) where T<:Tags at none:1

which points directly to the call site.

4 Default value and keyword argument

4.1 Default value

In C++ or Julia we can modify the func function to support a default value:

In C++:

  • enum approach
template <Tags TAG=Tags::A>
auto func(std::integral_constant<Tags, TAG> tag=Tags_v<A>)
  return specialized(10, tag); 

std::cout << func()           // prints 10
std::cout << func(Tags_v<B>)  // prints 20
  • Type approach
template <typename TAG=A,typename ENABLED = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Tags,TAG>>>
auto func(TAG tag=A())
  return specialized(10, tag); // no run-time penalty

std::cout << func()     // prints 10
std::cout << func(B())  // prints 20

In Julia:

  • @enum approach
func(::Type{Val{e}}=Val{A}) where {e} = specialized(10,Val{e})

func()       # prints 10
func(Val{B}) # prints 20
  • Type approach
func(::Type{T}=A) where {T<:Tags} = specialized(10,T)
func()  # prints 10
func(B) # prints 20

We can also check with @code_native that everything is inlined as before.

Comparison with C++:

Here there is a clear advantage in favor of Julia. In the C++ code you have to set the default value at two different places.

4.2 Keyword argument

There is no direct solution in C++. In Julia you can write:

  • @enum approach
func_kwa(;tag::Type{Val{e}}=Val{A}) where {e} = specialized(10,Val{e})
  • Type approach
func_kwa(;tag::Type{T}=A) where {T<:Tags} = specialized(10,T)

However there is a bad surprise if you look at the generated code (my Julia version is v0.6):

@code_native func_kwa(tag=B)

The code is so long that I put it at the end of this post, a lot of work is done at run-time! In our context this is not an acceptable solution due to the induced performance penalty.

5 Conclusions

We have compared two solutions to select a specialized subroutine given a tag passed as function argument. One solution is based on @enum, the other one is based on Type.

For the considered basic example we have verified that there is not run-time penalty and that like in C++, Julia can inline the function.

IMHO the better solution seems to be one based on Type. The reason are twofold:

  • better code readability,
  • AFAIK with the @enum/Type{Val{.}} approach, one can not filter argument directly at the call site.

We also have checked that:

  • we can use default argument without run-time penalty,
  • we can not use keyword argument because it seems that a lot of work is done at run-time (at least with my Julia version).

6 Annex: asm code for func_kwa(tag=B)

Julia version:

  Julia Version 0.6.2
  Commit d386e40c17 (2017-12-13 18:08 UTC)
  Platform Info:
    OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz
    WORD_SIZE: 64
    LAPACK: libopenblas64_
    LIBM: libopenlibm
    LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)

Note: same conclusion with the @enum approach, func_kwa(tag=Val{B}).

@code_native func_kwa(tag=B)
   Filename: <missing>
	   pushq	%rbp
	   movq	%rsp, %rbp
	   pushq	%r15
	   pushq	%r14
	   pushq	%r13
	   pushq	%r12
	   pushq	%rbx
	   subq	$120, %rsp
	   movq	%rdi, %r14
	   movabsq	$140389732029024, %r13  # imm = 0x7FAF081B9260
	   movq	%fs:0, %r15
	   addq	$-10888, %r15           # imm = 0xD578
	   leaq	-64(%rbp), %r12
	   xorps	%xmm0, %xmm0
	   movups	%xmm0, -64(%rbp)
	   movq	$0, -48(%rbp)
	   movups	%xmm0, -96(%rbp)
	   movups	%xmm0, -112(%rbp)
	   movups	%xmm0, -128(%rbp)
	   movups	%xmm0, -144(%rbp)
	   movq	$0, -80(%rbp)
	   movq	$26, -160(%rbp)
	   movq	(%r15), %rax
	   movq	%rax, -152(%rbp)
	   leaq	-160(%rbp), %rax
	   movq	%rax, (%r15)
	   movq	$0, -72(%rbp)
   Source line: 0
	   movq	$0, -120(%rbp)
	   movq	8(%r14), %rcx
	   sarq	%rcx
	   testq	%rcx, %rcx
	   jle	L271
	   movq	(%r14), %rdx
	   movq	24(%r14), %rsi
	   movl	$1, %eax
	   leaq	-24387768(%r13), %rdi
	   nopw	(%rax,%rax)
	   leaq	-1(%rax), %rbx
	   cmpq	%rsi, %rbx
	   jae	L431
	   movq	-8(%rdx,%rax,8), %rbx
	   testq	%rbx, %rbx
	   je	L364
	   movq	%rbx, -144(%rbp)
	   movq	%rbx, -136(%rbp)
	   cmpq	%rdi, %rbx
	   jne	L465
	   cmpq	%rsi, %rax
	   jae	L379
	   movq	(%rdx,%rax,8), %rbx
	   testq	%rbx, %rbx
	   je	L416
	   movq	%rbx, -128(%rbp)
	   movq	%rbx, -120(%rbp)
	   addq	$2, %rax
	   decq	%rcx
	   jne	L176
	   movq	%rbx, -80(%rbp)
	   jmp	L286
	   leaq	43425776(%r13), %rbx
	   movq	%rbx, -120(%rbp)
	   movq	%rbx, -80(%rbp)
	   leaq	-22171552(%r13), %rax
	   movq	%rax, -64(%rbp)
	   movq	%rbx, -56(%rbp)
	   addq	$-22171848, %r13        # imm = 0xFEADAF38
	   movq	%r13, -48(%rbp)
	   movabsq	$jl_apply_generic, %rax
	   movl	$3, %esi
	   movq	%r12, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rax, -72(%rbp)
	   movq	(%rax), %rax
	   movq	-152(%rbp), %rcx
	   movq	%rcx, (%r15)
	   leaq	-40(%rbp), %rsp
	   popq	%rbx
	   popq	%r12
	   popq	%r13
	   popq	%r14
	   popq	%r15
	   popq	%rbp
	   movabsq	$jl_throw, %rax
	   movq	%r13, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rsp, %rcx
	   leaq	-16(%rcx), %rsi
	   movq	%rsi, %rsp
	   incq	%rax
	   movq	%rax, -16(%rcx)
	   movabsq	$jl_bounds_error_ints, %rax
	   movl	$1, %edx
	   movq	%r14, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movabsq	$jl_throw, %rax
	   movq	%r13, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rsp, %rcx
	   leaq	-16(%rcx), %rsi
	   movq	%rsi, %rsp
	   movq	%rax, -16(%rcx)
	   movabsq	$jl_bounds_error_ints, %rax
	   movl	$1, %edx
	   movq	%r14, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movabsq	$jl_gc_pool_alloc, %rax
	   movl	$1456, %esi             # imm = 0x5B0
	   movl	$32, %edx
	   movq	%r15, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rax, %rbx
	   leaq	-21540240(%r13), %rax
	   movq	%rax, -8(%rbx)
	   movq	%rbx, -112(%rbp)
	   xorps	%xmm0, %xmm0
	   movups	%xmm0, (%rbx)
	   movq	-648819312(%r13), %rax
	   movq	56(%rax), %rax
	   testq	%rax, %rax
	   jne	L545
	   movabsq	$jl_throw, %rax
	   movq	%r13, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rax, -104(%rbp)
	   movq	%rax, -64(%rbp)
	   leaq	-25545896(%r13), %rax
	   movq	%rax, -56(%rbp)
	   movabsq	$jl_f_getfield, %rax
	   xorl	%edi, %edi
	   movl	$2, %edx
	   movq	%r12, %rsi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	%rax, -96(%rbp)
	   movq	%rax, (%rbx)
	   testq	%rax, %rax
	   je	L632
	   movq	-8(%rbx), %rcx
	   andl	$3, %ecx
	   cmpq	$3, %rcx
	   jne	L632
	   testb	$1, -8(%rax)
	   jne	L632
	   movabsq	$jl_gc_queue_root, %rax
	   movq	%rbx, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movl	$1432, %esi             # imm = 0x598
	   movl	$16, %edx
	   movq	%r15, %rdi
	   movabsq	$jl_gc_pool_alloc, %rax
	   callq	*%rax
	   addq	$-647092848, %r13       # imm = 0xD96E2590
	   movq	%r13, -8(%rax)
	   movq	%rax, -88(%rbp)
	   movq	%r14, (%rax)
	   movq	%rax, 8(%rbx)
	   testq	%rax, %rax
	   je	L712
	   movq	-8(%rbx), %rax
	   andl	$3, %eax
	   cmpq	$3, %rax
	   jne	L712
	   movabsq	$jl_gc_queue_root, %rax
	   movq	%rbx, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax
	   movq	$-1, 16(%rbx)
	   movabsq	$jl_throw, %rax
	   movq	%rbx, %rdi
	   callq	*%rax