Author Archives: Leah Hanson

Julia Calling Python Calling Julia…

Julia is a young programming language.
This means that its native libraries are immature.
We are in a time when Julia is a mature enough as a language that it is out-pacing its libraries.

One way to use mature libraries from a young language is to borrow them from another language.
In this case, we’ll be borrowing from Python.
(Julia can also easily wrap libraries from C or Fortran.
In fact, this capability was important in combination with Python’s great C-interface to make calling Python from Julia do-able.)

Python from Julia: PyCall.jl

Calling Python from Julia requires PyCall.
You can get it using Pkg.add("PyCall").

Let’s start with a “Hello, World” scale example.

using PyCall
pyeval("2+2") #=> 4
pyeval("str(5)") #=> "5"

# doing things by hand, for fun :)
math = pyimport(:math) #=> PyObject <module 'math'>
pycall(math["sin"],Float64,1) #=> 0.8414709848078965

Using Python Libraries from Julia

For a quick practical example of Python libraries filling in Julia’s current gaps, we can use Python’s matplotlib for graphing.
If you also install matplotlib,
you can run this fun code snippet I found on the mailing list.
If you run it, it will pop up a window with a graph of a nice dotted, squiggley, red line.

using PyCall
@pyimport pylab
x = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); y = sin(3*x + 4*cos(2*x));
pylab.plot(x, y; color="red", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="--") 

pylab is the name for the Python module that includes matplotlib and numpy
in a single namespace, according to matplotlib’s docs;
it is the recommended interface to matplotlib.
@pyimport is a Julia macro that is equivalent to a using statement on the Julia equivalent of the Python module.
What this means is that we can now use pylab as if it’s a Julia module, which is what the dot-notation (pylab.plot) is taking advantage of.
We use two functions from pylab: plot and show.
Notice that we don’t have to do anything special when we invoke them:
they look just like Julia functions, right down to the keyword arguments.

Julia from Python: the julia module

This is the less polished direction;
it’s not really intended for public consumption yet.
To get the Python module that you need to call Julia, git clone
Then, inside the IJulia.jl/python/ folder, run python install. (you may need sudo on that last command)

First, the opening incantation:

import julia
j = julia.Julia()

The second line will take a while to run; it’s starting and setting up Julia.

Now, you’ll be able to call Julia from the Python REPL.
For example:"2+2") #=> 4"sin(pi)") #=> 1.2246467991473532e-16"x = 5") #=> 5"x += 2") #=> 7"x") #=> 7

Let’s be best friends: Mutual Recursion.

This section is a code example.
We’ll start at the top, and then wander down through the implementation.
You can find all the code on github.

If you clone that repo, you can open a Python REPL up inside that folder and run the following:

import pyiseven

As one would hope, you’ll get False back.
The import line probably took a really long time to load; the even function seems pretty straight forward given its name and behavior.
But, let’s take a look at anyway.

import julia
j = julia.Julia()

def even(x):"using IsOdd")
  return not"IsOdd.odd(" + str(x) + ")")

Oh no!
This looks terribly inefficient: even if Julia is 20x faster than Python, calling another programming language to figure out if your number is odd is a bad plan.

Maybe we should take a look at IsOdd.jl:

module IsOdd

using PyCall
@pyimport pyiseven

function odd(x)
  if x == 1
  elseif x == 0


Oh no! It gets worse!
We make another function call back into Python’s even function on every call to Julia’s odd.
That means that it takes two function calls (and two trips between languages) for each increment of even‘s argument.
(In fact, if you call pyiseven.even(201) (or greater), then the stack explodes, unfortunately.)
If you find that your production code is too slow because you’re using mutual recursion between nine different languages, blame Dan Luu for this terrible idea.


You should really check out PyCall, which does a great job of translating between Python and Julia values and modules.

If you’ve been using IPython notebook, then you should also try IJulia notebook. (Same frontend, different language). You may have noticed that the IJulia project’s repo is the origin of that Python julia module.

Julia introspects

When people are introspective, they’re thinking about how their minds work,
about how and why they think what they do.
The Julia language has some impressive facilities for letting you see how the compilers’ mind works.
Using convenient built-in functions that are available both at the REPL1 and in normal code,
Julia allows you to see the layers of internal representation that your code goes through,
from the parsed AST to native assembly code.

This allows you to answer some otherwise difficult questions very easily.
(and allows you to peer into the inner workings of the compiler, which is just plain fun.)

A Simple Question: I wonder if it matters which of these I use?

One of the questions I have pondered is whether two syntaxes for assigning variables
make a performance difference.
Each of these two approaches assigns the same two values to the same two variables.

The most straight-forward approach:

function linear_foo()
  x = 4
  y = 5

Sometimes this looks nicer:

function tuple_foo()
  x,y = 4,5

The question that we’re specifcally wondering about is whether it matters which syntax we use,
from a speed stand point.
(The concern is that the second syntax might implicitly create a tuple and waste time messing around with it.)
In most languages, if you really cared, you’d make a microbenchmark to get an approximate answer.
Instead, I’m going to go take a look at the optimized version of the AST.
(It’s much easier and more exact than benchmarking. 🙂

In Julia, you can just look at the optimized version of the AST for any generic function2.
All it takes is a single call to code_typed.

The value of the last expression in a Julia function is implictly returned,
so the only change to our first approach is to add the return statement:

julia> code_typed(linear_foo,())
1-element Any Array:
:($(Expr(:lambda, {}, {{:x,:y},{{:x,Int64,18},{:y,Int64,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        x = 4 # line 3:
        y = 5
        return 5

The only difference in the optimized version of the second one is that it returns a tuple.
This is solely due to the expression evaluating to a tuple.

julia> code_typed(tuple_foo,())
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {}, {{:x,:y},{{:x,Int64,18},{:y,Int64,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        x = 4
        y = 5
        return top(tuple)(4,5)::(Int64,Int64)

For example:

function tuple_foo2()
  x,y = 4,5


julia> code_typed(tuple_foo2,())
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {}, {{:x,:y},{{:x,Int64,18},{:y,Int64,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        x = 4
        y = 5 # line 3:
        return y::Int64

As you may have guessed, this is by no means the final internal represetation or the final optimization pass.
These functions can be optimized down to nearly nothing, as we can see if we take a look at the assembly code:

julia> code_native(linear_foo,()) # returns the value of y
Filename: none
Source line: 3
    push    RBP
    mov RBP, RSP
    mov EAX, 5
Source line: 3
    pop RBP

julia> code_native(tuple_foo,()) # returns a tuple of (x,y)
Filename: none
Source line: 2
    push    RBP
    mov RBP, RSP
    mov EAX, 83767488
Source line: 2
    pop RBP

julia> code_native(tuple_foo2,()) # returns the value of y
Filename: none
Source line: 3
    push    RBP
    mov RBP, RSP
    mov EAX, 5
Source line: 3
    pop RBP


This post will cover five layers of internal representations of Julia code.
Except for the first one, each layer is accessible via a normal generic function
that takes a generic function and a tuple of argument types (to specify which method you want to examine).

If you are uncertain about the signature of the method you’re calling,
the macro @which will be useful to you.3
The internal representation of your code in the compiler is called an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST);
the AST format is specific to Julia.
Julia uses LLVM to create machine-specific assembly code;
LLVM has its own intermediate representation (IR).
The Julia compiler generates LLVM IR to tell LLVM what the generated assembly code should do.
The native assembly code is specific to your computer’s architecture.
You can see the documentation for these functions in the official manual

  1. The AST after parsing
  2. The AST after lowering
  3. The AST after type inference and optimization
  4. The LLVM IR
  5. The assembly code

Layer 1: The AST

When the parser takes your code in (as a String), it will produce an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
The AST is the compiler’s representation of your code.
It is like you turning my written sentances into your mental representation of their structure/meaning.
If you’re familiar with writing macros
in Julia, this will be old news to you.
This representation is not saved, so if we want to see it, we’ll need to quote the expression.

julia> :(2 + 2)

Above, we can see that the infix + operator just becomes a function call.
This is identical to if you use + as a normal function:

julia> :(+(2,2))

Slightly more interesting:

julia> :(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)

julia> :(1 + 2 - 3 - 4 + 5)

julia> :(1-2-3-4-5)

This lets you see that + becomes one function call even with a lot of args,
while - does not.

This is the same quoting used in macros; you can also use a quote block, such as:

  2 + 2

Layer 2: The Lowered AST

code_lowered(generic_function, (types_arg_list,))

While quoting will work on any expression, the rest of these layers involve calling
a function that takes a generic function and a tuple of argument types.
For example, code_lowered(linear_foo,()) returns the lowered AST of our function from the start of this post.

code_lowered will return the lowered AST for any method of a generic function.
Lowering in general is the process of moving from surface syntax (highest) to machine code (lowest).
Here, lowering involves transforming the AST in ways that make it simpler.
This includes unnesting some expressions and desugaring some syntax into the function calls indicated.

The lowered AST is stored for every generic function.
This will work on methods you write and on ones in packages and on ones from the base libraries.
code_lowered is a normal generic function: it will work from the REPL and from any Julia code you write.


You can call it on one of the simple functions we defined earlier:

julia> code_lowered(linear_foo,())
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {}, {{:x,:y},{{:x,:Any,18},{:y,:Any,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        x = 4 # line 3:
        y = 5
        return 5

Or you could call it on a built-in function from Base:

julia> code_lowered(+,(Int,Int))
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x,:y}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0},{:y,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # int.jl, line 36:
        return box(Int64,add_int(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Int64,y)))

The + function also has a single-argument method:

julia> +(5)

If you want to make a unary tuple, use a trailing comma:

julia> cl = code_lowered(+,(Int,)) #trailing comma to make (Int,) a tuple
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # operators.jl, line 39:
        return x

As you can see below, the value you get back is a one-dimensional Any array of Exprs.
Expr is the type used to represent an expression in the AST; you also use them when writing macros.

julia> typeof(cl)

julia> typeof(cl[1]) # Julia Arrays are indexed from 1

code_lowered returns an Array because it sometimes returns multiple (or 0) values.
It will return an entry for each matching method:

julia> code_lowered(+,(Any,))
3-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # bool.jl, line 35:
        return int(x)
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # operators.jl, line 39:
        return x
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # abstractarray.jl, line 264:
        return x

An example of getting no results:

julia> code_lowered(+,(String,String))
0-element Any Array

There is no + for Strings because Julia uses * as the string concatenation operator.

julia> code_lowered(*,(String,String))
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:(s::top(apply_type)(Vararg,String))}, {{},{{:s,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # string.jl, line 72:
        return top(apply)(string,s)

It’s easier to see what lowering does if you take a look at examples involving control flow.
For example, if you define this function:

function myloop(x::Int)
  result = 0  
  for i=1:x
    result += x

You can see a loop in the lowered code:

julia> code_lowered(myloop,(Int,))
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{:result,:#s6,:#s5,:i},{{:x,:Any,0},{:result,:Any,2},{:#s6,:Any,2},{:#s5,:Any,18},{:i,:Any,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        result = 0 # line 3:
        #s6 = 1
        #s5 = x
        unless top(<=)(#s6,#s5) goto 2
        i = #s6 # line 4:
        result = +(result,x)
        #s6 = top(convert)(top(typeof)(#s6),top(+)(1,#s6))
        goto 1
        0:  # line 6:
        return result

If you want to see what happens to an if-statment, you could use this example:

function lessthan5(x::Int)
  if x < 5
    return true
    return false

You can see that, like the loop, this is also lowered into an unless and a goto.

julia> code_lowered(lessthan5,(Int,))
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        unless <(x,5) goto 0 # line 3:
        return true
        goto 1
        0:  # none, line 5:
        return false

Layer 3: The Type-inferred, optimized AST

code_typed(generic_function, (types_arg_list,))

code_typed returns the type-inferred and optimized version of the Julia AST.
It is the last layer that is internal to Julia.

How to Call code_typed

You need to be extra careful to use trailing commas for single-argument functions with code_typed:

julia> code_typed(+,(Int))
0-element Any Array

julia> code_lowered(+,(Int))
ERROR: no method code_lowered(Function,DataType)

julia> code_typed(+,(Int,))
1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{},{{:x,Int64,0}},{}}, quote  # operators.jl, line 39:
        return x::Int64

Structure of the Return Value

You should be getting an Array of Exprs back.
This value can be a bit complicated and hard to understand.
It has three fields: head, args, and typ.
(You can find this out by calling the function names on it.)

  • head is a Symbol that tells you what kind of expression this is.
    For Exprs returned by code_typed, this will always be :lambda.

  • typ is a DataType.
    Currently, it will always be Any for Exprs returned by code_typed.

  • args is a 1-dimensional Any Array (Array{Any,1}). It’s the interesting part:
    it contains information about the body of the function and the variables used there.

There are three parts to args:

  1. Symbols of the names of function arguments. This has type Array{Any,1}.
  2. An Array{Any,1} of length 3. It contains details about all variables used in the function (local, captured, and arguments).
  3. An Expr representing the body of the generic function.

The middle part (2) above has more structure to examine:

  1. An Array{Any,1} of Symbols. This contains a Symbol for the name of each local variable.
  2. An Array{Any,1} of length-3 Array{Any,1}s describing each local variable and argument. I’ll get to the format of the length-3 Arrays in a moment.
  3. An Array{Any,1} of length-3 Array{Any,1}s describing each captured variable. These entries have the same format as above.

The triple that describes each used variable is an Array{Any,1}.
It consists of a Symbol of the variable name, a DataType for the inferred type of the variable, and an Int64 of bit flags describing how the variable is used.

The lowest 5 bits of the Int64 are used as bit flags.4
From most to least significant, these bits represent whether the variable:
[is assigned once][is const][is assigned by inner function][is assigned][is captured].
So, if no bits are set, then the value will be 0.
If a variable is captured, but not const or assigned to, then it will have a value of 1.
If a local variable is assigned to, then it would have a value of 2.

An Example: 0-args, just assigning to local vars

The function:

function foo()
  x = 4
  y = 5

The result of code_typed(foo,()):

1-element Any Array:
 :($(Expr(:lambda, {}, {{:x,:y},{{:x,Int64,18},{:y,Int64,18}},{}}, quote  # none, line 2:
        x = 4 # line 3:
        y = 5
        return 5
  • the .head field is :lambda, as expected.
  • the .typ field is Any, also as expected.
  • the .args field is:
3-element Any Array:
quote  # none, line 2:
   x = 4 # line 3:
   y = 5
   return 5

Let’s talk more about args:

  • .args[1] is empty because we took no arguments.
  • .args[2][1] contains the names of our two local variables, x and y.
  • .args[2][2] contains a description of each of those local variables.
    The Int64 values indicate that x and y have been inferred to be of that type, despite no type annotations in the code.
    The value 18 indicates that the set bit flags are “is assigned once” (16) and “is assigned by inner function” (4).
  • .args[2][3] is empty because we did not capture any variables.
  • .args[3] is the Expr representing the body of the function.
    You may notice that it is nearly identical to the original version of the code.

Layer 4: LLVM IR

code_llvm(generic_function, (types_arg_list,))

Calling code_llvm prints the LLVM IR for the function.
This is going to be more unfamiliar-looking that the previous layers,
since it looks like a complicated kind of assembly code, rather than being Julia-specific.
It also differs in that it prints out the code, not returning a maniputable value to you.

Usage Examples

julia> code_llvm(linear_foo,())

define i64 @julia_linear_foo() {
  ret i64 5, !dbg !4355

julia> code_llvm(+,(Int,))

define i64 @"julia_+823"(i64) {
  ret i64 %0, !dbg !4361

julia> code_llvm(+,(Int,Int))

define i64 @"julia_+824"(i64, i64) {
  %2 = add i64 %1, %0, !dbg !4367
  ret i64 %2, !dbg !4367

Note that now trying to get multiple results is going to end in an error:

julia> code_llvm(+,(Any,))
ERROR: no method found for the specified argument types
 in _dump_function at reflection.jl:110
 in code_llvm at reflection.jl:115

Happily, accidently non-tuple types also result in an error:

julia> code_llvm(+,(Int))
ERROR: no method code_llvm(Function,DataType)

Layer 5: Assembly Code

code_native(generic_function, (types_arg_list,))

Calling code_native prints the native assembly code for the specified method.

Usage Example

julia> code_native(+,(Int,Int))
Filename: int.jl
Source line: 36
    push    RBP
    mov RBP, RSP
Source line: 36
    add RDI, RSI
    mov RAX, RDI
    pop RBP

Calling it with a non-tuple or for signatures that don’t exist results in an error:

julia> code_native(+,(Int))
ERROR: no method code_native(Function,DataType)

julia> code_native(+,(Any,))
ERROR: no method found for the specified argument types
 in _dump_function at reflection.jl:110
 in code_native at reflection.jl:116


  1. The Julia REPL and normal Julia code (in files) are equally powerful and have all the same capabilities.
    These are not interpreter directives, like :t in GHCI. ↩

  2. If your function has a name, it’s a generic function. ↩

  3. The @which macro lets you see which method of a function would be called
    with a particular set of arguments, without actually calling it.
    For example:

    julia> @which 2+2
    +(x::Int64,y::Int64) at int.jl:36

    This means that you should look in the Julia source tree, in the base folder, for a file called int.jl, and you’ll find the method for +(Int64,Int64) defined there.

    It’s less helpful for functions defined in the REPL:

    julia> @which lessthan5(4)
    lessthan5(x::Int64) at none:2


  4. To see for yourself what the bit flags field is, you should take a look around
    lines 2357-2381 of julia/src/julia-syntax.scm:

    ;; record whether var is captured
    (define (vinfo:set-capt! v c) (set-car! (cddr v)
                                            (if c
                                                (logior (caddr v) 1)
                                                (logand (caddr v) -2))))
    ;; whether var is assigned
    (define (vinfo:set-asgn! v a) (set-car! (cddr v)
                                            (if a
                                                (logior (caddr v) 2)
                                                (logand (caddr v) -3))))
    ;; whether var is assigned by an inner function
    (define (vinfo:set-iasg! v a) (set-car! (cddr v)
                                            (if a
                                                (logior (caddr v) 4)
                                                (logand (caddr v) -5))))
    ;; whether var is const
    (define (vinfo:set-const! v a) (set-car! (cddr v)
                                            (if a
                                                (logior (caddr v) 8)
                                                (logand (caddr v) -9))))
    ;; whether var is assigned once
    (define (vinfo:set-sa! v a) (set-car! (cddr v)
                                            (if a
                                                (logior (caddr v) 16)
                                                (logand (caddr v) -17))))


Running Shell Commands from Julia

Here are some examples of starting and interacting with other programs from Julia.
The official documentation is pretty good, but I want something with more (basic) examples and fewer words.
I do reccommend reading that to see some of the fancier tricks you can pull
(and for up-to-date documentation, when this blog post gets stale).

Running Other Programs

The easiest, most basic way to run a shell command is run.

julia> help(run)

   Run a command object, constructed with backticks. Throws an error
   if anything goes wrong, including the process exiting with a non-
   zero status.

You can’t communicate with the process at all,
and run will block until the command finishes running.

julia> run(`echo hello!`)

Notice that Command literals are written with backticks, not single quotes (').

You can run two commands in parallel using &:

julia> run(`echo hello` & `echo world`)

If you try to cat a file that doesn’t exist, you’ll get an error.

julia> run(`cat test.txt`)
cat: test.txt: No such file or directory
ERROR: failed process: Process(`cat test.txt`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
 in error at error.jl:22
 in pipeline_error at process.jl:430
 in run at process.jl:413

The first line is cat printing an error message.
The rest is Julia throwing an error.
Note that the command is containedin backticks, not normal single quotes.



   Redirect standard input or output of a process.

   Example: run(`ls` |> "out.log")
   Example: run("file.txt" |> `cat`)

Use |> to redirect the STDOUT of a command to a file
or to write a file to a command’s STDIN.

julia> run(`echo hello, world` |> "test.txt")

julia> run(`cat test.txt`)
hello, world

julia> run("test.txt" |> `cat`)
hello, world

You can also use |> to redirect a process’s output to another process.

julia> run(`echo hello` |> `cat`)

julia> run(`echo $("hellonhinhello, world")` |> `cat` |> `grep -n o`)
3:hello, world

String Interpolation

You can use $ to interpolate into Command literals, in the same way you can into string literals.

julia> filename = "testnnewline.txt"

You can see what the interpolation expands to by just printing the Command literal.
For example, this doesn’t run or do anything, it just shows you what the command looks like.

julia> `cat $filename`
`cat 'test

If you run the command without having that file around, you’ll get an error because cat doesn’t exit cleanly.

julia> run(`cat $filename`)
cat: test
newline.txt: No such file or directory
ERROR: failed process: Process(`cat 'test
newline.txt'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
 in error at error.jl:22
 in pipeline_error at process.jl:430
 in run at process.jl:413

Creating the file resolves the error:

julia> run(`echo the name is $filename` |> filename)

julia> run(`cat $filename`)
the name is test

The rest of this section’s examples are mostly from the official documentation.

julia> names = ["foo","bar","baz"]
3-element ASCIIString Array:

Command interpolation is more specialized than just plain string interpolation.
Lists will become escaped and space separated, which is more reasonable in shell commands than the normal square-brackets-and-commas notation.

julia> `grep xylophone $names`
`grep xylophone foo bar baz`

If you interpolate a list as part of a word, the resulting space separated list will be versions of the complete word:

julia> `grep xylophone $names.txt`
`grep xylophone foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt`

julia> `grep xylophone hi$names.bye`
`grep xylophone hifoo.bye hibar.bye hibaz.bye`

julia> `grep xylophone hi$(names)bye`
`grep xylophone hifoobye hibarbye hibazbye`

You can do even cooler things if you have two arrays.
If you interpolate two arrays into the same word,
then you’ll get all combinations of elements in the two lists.

julia> exts = ["aux","log"]
2-element ASCIIString Array:

julia> `rm -f $names.$exts`
`rm -f foo.aux foo.log bar.aux bar.log baz.aux baz.log`

Getting Output

The easiest way to call a command and get it’s output as a String is readall.

julia> readall(`echo hello?`)

This words just as well with chains of commands and redirections
because the chain will become a single Cmd value
when the redirectin operators are done.

julia> readall("test.txt" |> `cat`)
"hello, worldn"

If you just want the contents of a file as a string, you don’t need to use cat or any other command. Just use readall on the file:

julia> readall("test.txt")
"hello, worldn"

However, sometimes you’d like to be able to read the output in over time, rather than all at once.
For that, you want readsfrom:

julia> help(readsfrom)

   Starts running a command asynchronously, and returns a tuple
   (stream,process). The first value is a stream reading from the
   process' standard output.

julia> (st,pr) = readsfrom(`cat poem`)
(Pipe(active, 0 bytes waiting),Process(`cat poem`, ProcessRunning))

This use of readsfrom isn’t that interesting, since cat exits right away.

julia> pr
Process(`cat poem`, ProcessExited(0))

You can use any reading stream functions you’d like: readall, readline, etc.

julia> readline(st)
" There is a place where the sidewalk endsn"

The pipe is closed because the process has exited.

julia> st
Pipe(closed, 718 bytes waiting)

This way, you can process the data one line (or whatever increment you like) at a time.

julia> readline(st)
"And before the street begins,n"

julia> readline(st)
"And there the grass grows soft and white,n"

julia> st
Pipe(closed, 646 bytes waiting)

When you run out of data in the pipe, readline will start returning empty strings: "".

Want to ls, but get the result as an array of file and directory names?
You want to use readdir()

julia> help(readdir)
# methods for generic function readdir
readdir(path::String) at file.jl:169
readdir() at file.jl:198

julia> readdir()
6-element String Array:
 "sp ace"         

Sending Input

Sometimes, you might want to communicate with another process in a more complex way than just commandline args.

Write to STDIN and then wait for it to finish

The writesto function will give you a Pipe hooked up to the STDIN of the process and a Process. Do not read from the Pipe.

julia> (si,pr) = writesto(`cat`)
(Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Process(`cat`, ProcessRunning))

If you don’t give cat any filenames (or if you pass in a -),
then cat will read from STDIN until you send CTRL-D.

julia> write(si,"hello")

We can keep writing to cat for as long as we want.
As you can see, the process is still running:

julia> pr
Process(`cat`, ProcessRunning)

When you’re done writing to the process, close the Pipe.

julia> close(si)

This will make cat exit, as it’s done doing it’s work:

julia> pr
Process(`cat`, ProcessExited(0))

If you want to wait for the process to be down doing work,
you can call wait on the Process.
This will block until the process exits.

julia> wait(pr)

Read AND Write on the same process

Using the readandwrite function, you can get two Pipes and a Process.
The Pipes are the STDOUT and STDIN of the process.
The Process is a Julia value representing the asynchronous process started to run the command.

You can read from the STDOUT of the process, but don’t write to it.
You can write to the STDIN of the process, but don’t read from it.

julia> (so,si,pr) = readandwrite(`cat`)
(Pipe(active, 0 bytes waiting),Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Process(`cat`, ProcessRunning))

julia> write(si,"hellongoodnbyen")

julia> so
Pipe(active, 15 bytes waiting)

julia> si
Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting)

julia> close(si)

julia> so
Pipe(closed, 15 bytes waiting)

julia> pr
Process(`cat`, ProcessExited(0))

julia> readall(so)

julia> so
Pipe(closed, 0 bytes waiting)

REPL specialness

In the REPL, you can use a ; to run shell commands easily.

julia> ;ls
new?line  NGrep.jl  poem  snowman☃snowman  sp ace  t?ab  test.txt

julia> ;mkdir folder

julia> ;ls
folder  new?line  NGrep.jl  poem  snowman☃snowman  sp ace  t?ab  test.txt

julia> ;cd folder/

The name of the directory (folder/) tab completed! 🙂

julia> ;ls

julia> ;touch my_new_file

julia> ;ls

API Summary

Setting up the process

julia> help(readsfrom)

   Starts running a command asynchronously, and returns a tuple
   (stream,process). The first value is a stream reading from the
   process' standard output.

julia> help(writesto)

   Starts running a command asynchronously, and returns a tuple
   (stream,process). The first value is a stream writing to the
   process' standard input.

julia> help(readandwrite)

   Starts running a command asynchronously, and returns a tuple
   (stdout,stdin,process) of the output stream and input stream of the
   process, and the process object itself.

Interacting with streams

julia> help(write)
Base.write(stream, x)

   Write the canonical binary representation of a value to the given

julia> help(readall)

   Read the entire contents of an I/O stream as a string.

julia> help(readline)

   Read a single line of text, including a trailing newline character
   (if one is reached before the end of the input).

julia> help(close)

   Close an I/O stream. Performs a "flush" first.

Interacting with processes

julia> help(wait)

   Block the current task until some event occurs, depending on the
   type of the argument:

   * "RemoteRef": Wait for a value to become available for the
     specified remote reference.

   * "Condition": Wait for "notify" on a condition.

   * "Process": Wait for the process to exit, and get its exit code.

   * "Task": Wait for a "Task" to finish, returning its result