Adjusting to Julia: Piecewise regression

By: Jan Vanhove

Re-posted from:

In this fourth installment of Adjusting to Julia,
I will at long last analyse some actual data.
One of the first posts on this blog was
Calibrating p-values in ‘flexible’ piecewise regression models.
In that post, I fitted a piecewise regression to a dataset
comprising the ages at which a number of language learners started
learning a second language (age of acquisition, AOA)
and their scores on a grammaticality judgement task (GJT) in that second language.
A piecewise regression is a regression model in which the slope of the function
relating the predictor (here: AOA) to the outcome (here: GJT) changes at some
value of the predictor, the so-called breakpoint.
The problem, however, was that I didn’t specify the breakpoint beforehand
but pick the breakpoint that minimised the model’s deviance.
This increased the probability that I would find that the slope before and
after the breakpoint differed, even if they in fact were the same.
In the blog post I wrote almost nine years ago, I sought to recalibrate the
p-value for the change in slope by running a bunch of simulations in R.
In this blog post, I’ll do the same, but in Julia.

The data set

We’ll work with the data from the North America study
conducted by DeKeyser et al. (2010).
If you want to follow along, you can download this dataset here and save it to
a subdirectory called data in your working directory.

We need the DataFrames, CSV and StatsPlots packages
in order to read in the CSV with the dataset as a data frame and draw some basic graphs.

using DataFrames, CSV, StatsPlots

d ="data/dekeyser2010.csv", DataFrame);

@df d plot(:AOA, :GJT
           , seriestype = :scatter
           , legend = :none
           , xlabel = "AOA"
           , ylabel = "GJT")


The StatsPlots package uses the @df macro to specify that the
variables in the plot() function can be found in the data frame
provided just after it (i.e., d).

Two regression models

Let’s fit two regression models to this data set using the GLM package.
The first model, lm1, is a simple regression model with AOA as the predictor
and GJT as the outcome. The syntax should be self-explanatory:

using GLM 

lm1 = lm(@formula(GJT ~ AOA), d);
## ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##                  Coef.  Std. Error       t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
## ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## (Intercept)  190.409      3.90403    48.77    <1e-57  182.63     198.188
## AOA           -1.21798    0.105139  -11.58    <1e-17   -1.42747   -1.00848
## ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

We can visualise this model by plotting the data in a scatterplot
and adding the model predictions to it like so. I use begin and end
to force Julia to only produce a single plot.

d[!, "prediction"] = predict(lm1);

@df d plot(:AOA, :GJT
           , seriestype = :scatter
           , legend = :none
           , xlabel = "AOA"
           , ylabel = "GJT");
@df d plot!(:AOA, :prediction
            , seriestype = :line)


Our second model will incorporate an ‘elbow’ in the regression line
at a given breakpoint – a piecewise regression model.
For a breakpoint bp, we need to create a variable
since_bp that encodes how many years beyond this breakpoint the participants’
AOA values are. If an AOA value is lower than the breakpoint, the
corresponding since_bp value is just 0.
The add_breakpoint() value takes a dataset containing an AOA variable
and adds a variable called since_bp to it.

function add_breakpoint(data, bp)
	data[!, "since_bp"] = max.(0, data[!, "AOA"] .- bp);

To add the since_bp variable for a breakpoint at age 12
to our dataset d, we just run this function. Note that in Julia,
arguments are not copied when they are passed to a function. That is,
the add_breakpoint() function changes the dataset; it does not create
a changed copy of the dataset like R would:

# changes d!
add_breakpoint(d, 12);

Since we don’t know what the best breakpoint is,
we’re going to estimate it from the data. For each
integer in a given range (minbp through maxbp),
we’re going to fit a piecewise regression model with
that integer as the breakpoint. We’ll then pick
the breakpoint that minimises the deviance of the fit
(i.e., the sum of squared differences between the model fit
and the actual outcome). The fit_piecewise() function takes care of this.
It outputs both the best fitting piecewise regression model and the breakpoint
used for this model.

function fit_piecewise(data, minbp, maxbp)
  min_deviance = Inf
  best_model = nothing
  best_bp = 0
  current_model = nothing
  for bp in minbp:maxbp
    add_breakpoint(data, bp)
    current_model = lm(@formula(GJT ~ AOA + since_bp), data)
    if deviance(current_model) < min_deviance
      min_deviance = deviance(current_model)
      best_model = current_model
      best_bp = bp
  return best_model, best_bp

Let’s now apply this function to our dataset.
The estimated breakpoint is at age 16, and the model
coefficients are shown below:

lm2 = fit_piecewise(d, 6, 20);
# the first output is the model itself, the second the breakpoint used
## ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##                  Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)    Lower 95%  Upper 95%
## ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## (Intercept)  212.423     11.555     18.38    <1e-28  189.394      235.452
## AOA           -2.86035    0.819957  -3.49    0.0008   -4.49452     -1.22618
## since_bp       1.78381    0.883513   2.02    0.0472    0.0229738    3.54465
## ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## 16

Let’s visualise this model by drawing a scatterplot and adding the regression
fit to it. While we’re at it, we might as well add a 95% confidence band around
the regression fit.

add_breakpoint(d, 16);
predictions = predict(lm2[1], d;
                      interval = :confidence,
                      level = 0.95);
d[!, "prediction"] = predictions[!, "prediction"];
d[!, "lower"] = predictions[!, "lower"];
d[!, "upper"] = predictions[!, "upper"];

@df d plot(:AOA, :GJT
           , seriestype = :scatter
           , legend = :none
           , xlabel = "AOA"
           , ylabel = "GJT"
@df d plot!(:AOA, :prediction
            , seriestype = :line
            , ribbon = (:prediction .- :lower, 
                        :upper .- :prediction)


We could run an $F$-test for the model comparison like below,
but the $p$-value corresponds to the $p$-value for the since_bp value,

ftest(lm1.model, lm2[1].model);

But there’s a problem: This $p$-value can’t be taken at face value.
By looping through different possible breakpoint and then picking the one
that worked best for our dataset, we’ve increased our chances of finding
some pattern in the data even if nothing is going on. So we need to recalibrate
the $p$-value we’ve obtained.

Recalibrating the p-value

Our strategy is as follows. We will generate a fairly large number of
datasets similar to d but of which we know that there isn’t any
breakpoint in the GJT/AOA relationship. We will do this by simulating
new GJT values from the simple regression model fitted above (lm1).
We will then apply the fit_piecewise() function to each of these datasets,
using the same minbp and maxbp values as before and obtain the $p$-value
associated with each model. We will then compute the proportion of the
$p$-value so obtained that is lower than the $p$-value from our original model,
i.e., 0.0472.

I wasn’t able to find a Julia function similar to R’s simulate()
that simulates a new outcome variable based on a linear regression model.
But such a function is easy enough to put together:

using Distributions

function simulate_outcome(null_model)
  resid_distr = Normal(0, dispersion(null_model.model))
  prediction = fitted(null_model)
  new_outcome = prediction + rand(resid_distr, length(prediction))
  return new_outcome

The one_run() function generates a single new outcome vector,
overwrites the GJT variable in our dataset with it,
and then applies the fit_piecewise() function to the dataset,
returning the $p$-value of the best-fitting piecewise regression model.

function one_run(data, null_model, min_bp, max_bp)
  new_outcome = simulate_outcome(null_model)
  data[!, "GJT"] = new_outcome
  best_model = fit_piecewise(data, min_bp, max_bp)
  pval = coeftable(best_model[1]).cols[4][3]
  return pval

Finally, the generate_p_distr() function runs the one_run() function
a large number of times and output the $p$-values generated.

function generate_p_distr(data, null_model, min_bp, max_bp, n_runs)
  pvals = [one_run(data, null_model, min_bp, max_bp) for _ in 1:n_runs]
  return pvals

Our simulation will consist of 25,000 runs, and in each run, 16 regression
models will be fitted, for a total of 400,000 models. On my machine,
this takes less than 20 seconds (i.e., less than 50 microseconds per model).

n_runs = 25_000;
pvals = generate_p_distr(d, lm1, 6, 20, n_runs);

For about 11% of the datasets in which no breakpoint governed the data,
the fit_piecewise() procedure returned a $p$-value of 0.0472 or lower.
So our original $p$-value of 0.0472 ought to be recalibrated to about 0.12.

sum(pvals .<= 0.0472) / n_runs
## 0.11784