A tutorial on igraph for Julia

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from: https://bkamins.github.io/julialang/2021/04/09/igraph.html


I have been working with graphs both in Python and in Julia quite a lot
recently. While I enjoy using LightGraphs.jl as it has a very
lighweight and clean API its limitation is that it is missing some
functionalities that are available in other packages like igraph.

In this post I want to comment on the basic steps for integrating both packages.

The examples are run under Linux, Julia 1.6, Cairo v1.0.5, Compose v0.9.2,
GraphPlot v0.4.4, LightGraphs v1.3.5, and PyCall v1.92.2.

Before you start

You need to add igraph to your Python installation that is used by Julia
using the following command:

using PyCall
run(`$(PyCall.python) -m pip install python-igraph`)

We will also use the partition_igraph package for community detection.
It is installed using:

run(`$(PyCall.python) -m pip install partition_igraph`)

This package provides the ECG (ensemble clustering for graphs) algorithm that
is a very nice approach to community detection. If you do not know it
you might want to check out this and this papers.

The point of this post is that ECG is available only as a package for Python,
so if you wanted to use it from Julia you need to use a bridge to igraph.

Getting the graph

We will want to use the standard Zachary’s karate club graph as an
example. Let us start with loading the graph both in LightGraphs.jl and in
igraph. First we load the required packages:

julia> using Cairo

julia> using Compose

julia> using GraphPlot

julia> using LightGraphs

julia> using PyCall

julia> using Random

julia> ig = pyimport("igraph");

julia> pyimport("partition_igraph");

Now load the graph both in LightGraphs.jl and in igraph:

julia> z_ig = ig.Graph.Famous("Zachary")
PyObject <igraph.Graph object at 0x7f5a18d49050>

julia> z_lg = smallgraph(:karate)
{34, 78} undirected simple Int64 graph

Let us check what is the mapping between these two graphs. The numbering of
vertices in LightGraphs.jl is 1-based, whilie in igraph is 0-based. Let us check
if in this case the mapping from z_lg to z_ig is just x -> x-1.

julia> nv(z_lg) == z_ig.vcount()

julia> ne(z_lg) == z_ig.ecount()

julia> z_lg_es = sort!(Tuple.(edges(z_lg)));

julia> z_ig_es = sort!([(e.source + 1, e.target + 1) for e in z_ig.es()]);

julia> z_lg_es == z_ig_es

Indeed in this case we see that the graphs are identical, as they have the same
number of vertices, and the same edges. Note that I needed to sort! the edges
collected to tuples as the iterators that produce these edges had a different
ordering in both packages.

Note that it is also easy to write graph converters between LightGraphs.jl
and igraph. Here is an example:

julia> function ig2lg(ig_g)
           lg_g = SimpleGraph(ig_g.vcount())
           for e in ig_g.es()
               add_edge!(lg_g, e.source + 1, e.target + 1)
           return lg_g
ig2lg (generic function with 1 method)

julia> ig2lg(z_ig)
{34, 78} undirected simple Int64 graph

julia> ig2lg(z_ig) == z_lg

The crucial thing to remember here is that LightGraphs.jl supports only simple
, so this property of the graph would have to be checked in igraph
before doing the conversion. (similar operations can also be performed for
directed simple graphs.)

Doing community detection

Now we move to the main point of our task. We want to run ECG algorithm on
z_ig and then plot the z_lg graph using gplot function coloring its
vertices using the communities found using ECG.

As ECG is randomized we run it 1,000 times and pick the split that maximizes

julia> ps = [z_ig.community_ecg().membership for i in 1:1000]; # generate partitions

julia> unique!(ps); # reduce as we have many duplicates

julia> mps = z_ig.modularity.(ps); # calculate modularity for each partition

julia> bestp = ps[argmax(mps)] .+ 1; # get the best partition

Note how easy it is to mix Python functionality with Julia in the above code.
In the last line I add 1 to the resulting vector to make in 1-based.

Finally we save the plot of the graph to a PNG file:

julia> cls = ["red","green","blue", "pink", "black"]; # we allow up to 5 communities

julia> Random.seed!(12);

julia> z_plot = gplot(z_lg,
                      NODESIZE=0.03, nodefillc=cls[bestp],
                      EDGELINEWIDTH=0.2, edgestrokec="gray");

julia> draw(PNG("z_plot.png"), z_plot);

Note that the mapping between z_ig and z_lg is just x -> x + 1 we do not
have to reorder the bestp vector.

This is the plot you should get:

Karate graph

As you can see the ECG algorithm seems to have identified the communities
in the graph reasonably well.


As you can see integration between LightGraphs.jl and igraph is very easy. The
major things you have to keep in mind when using it are:

  • igraph uses 0-based intexing, while LightGraphs.jl is 1-based;
  • always make sure what transformation of vertex indices you should use to map
    vertex numbers between igraph and LightGraphs.jl (a natural one is just
    x -> x + 1 if they are stored in the same order);
  • edges might be stored in both packages in a different order;
  • make sure to check if you are working with a graph or a digraph and use a
    proper graph type in LightGraphs.jl;
  • remember that LightGraphs.jl only supports simple graphs.

I hope this post will help you to get started with igraph integration if you
might need to use it!