Author Archives: Abel Soares Siqueira

Optimizing the Dollar Game from Numberphile

By: Abel Soares Siqueira

Re-posted from:

I just watched The Dollar Game –
, in which a game involving graphs is presented.
I recommend you watch the video for complete information.

The game involves a graph with integer values on its nodes, positive and
negative. For instance, the following graph:

Each node corresponds to a person, the node value is the amount of
money that person has, the edges are the people that person can give or
take money from.
The objective of the game is to have everyone have a non-negative amount of money.
In each move of the game, one person decides to give or take money,
however, that person either takes 1 dollar from each of their connections,
or gives 1 dollar to each one.

On Numberphile, there are two questions: (i) does the problem has a solution?
(ii) what’s the least amount of moves to find it?
I’ve decided to implement this problem using optimization, since it looked
almost straightfoward. The optimization model was indeed very simple, and it
took more time drawing graphs than modelling. Still fun though.

The model

Given the undirected graph , and values , our
model is based on the following observations:

  • The order of moves is irrelevant;
  • Whether the move is a give or a take, is just a question of sign;
  • The value of a node after the moves can be computed by accounting for the
    moves done by the done and by its neighbours.

Hence, we can model it using two non-negative integer variables and
storing the number of gives and takes of node . Notice that we
could use , but this is more descriptive.

  • Objective: minimize the number of moves

  • Constraint: after the moves, the values of the nodes should be non-negative

As it turns out, it’s a very simple model. The implementation is also very
simple. We’re using Julia Language with the
JuMP modelling language, and the
LightGraphs package from JuliaGraphs.
Here’s the code:

function dollar_game(g, W)
   nv = length(vertices(g))
   model = Model(solver = CbcSolver())
   @variable(model, give[1:nv] >= 0, Int)
   @variable(model, take[1:nv] >= 0, Int)
   @objective(model, Min, sum(give[i] + take[i] for i = 1:nv))
   @expression(model, x[i=1:nv], W[i] +
               (take[i] - give[i]) * length(neighbors(g, i)) +
               sum(give[j] - take[j] for j = neighbors(g, i)))
   @constraint(model, x .>= 0)
   status = solve(model)
   println("status = $status")
   if status != :Optimal
      return zeros(nv), W

   give = Int.(getvalue(give))
   take = Int.(getvalue(take))
   sol = Int.(getvalue(x))
   println("give = $give")
   println("take = $take")
   println("sol = $sol")
   return give - take, sol

The code should be pretty self-explanatory, but ping me on twitter if you need clarification.

Using the results and mad plotting skillz the packages Plots and GR, we
obtain a solution for the problem above. The moves are illustrated below, where
blue means giving, and red means taking.

The full code is available at GitHub.

My experience in the JuMP-dev annual workshop

By: Abel Soares Siqueira

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Last week I had the pleasure of being invited to the Second annual JuMP-dev
, which happened in June 27-29,
2018 at Bordeaux, France.
I’ve presented the packages from the Julia Smooth
organization, and had a very good
time meeting with the JuMP developers.

For those still unaware, JuMP is a modelling
language for Mathematical Programming written in Julia. It provides access to a few
different solvers for many kinds of problems, and it works inside of Julia, so one can
enjoy the advantages of having a robust language if there is a need for advanced usage.

I’ve used Julia in classes since 2016 for teaching numerical calculus, and the packages
of Julia Smooth Optimizers for nonlinear optimization this last semester.
I’ve taught a quick tutorial on JuMP in that class to solve a few nonlinear problems,
and discuss the starting point dependency of nonlinear solvers.
The notebook can be found here in

Minicurso de Julia no IX Simpósio de Análise Numérica e Otimização da UFPR

By: Abel Soares Siqueira

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Hoje ministrarei mais um minicurso de Julia na UFPR.
Desta vez será no IX Simpósio de Análise Numérica e Otimização da UFPR.

Por enquanto, deixo esta página apenas com o link para o notebook que utilizarei: