#MonthOfJulia Day 15: Time Series


Yesterday we looked at Julia’s support for tabular data, which can be represented by a DataFrame. The TimeSeries package implements another common data type: time series. We’ll start by loading the TimeSeries package, but we’ll also add the Quandl package, which provides an interface to a rich source of time series data from Quandl.

julia> using TimeSeries
julia> using Quandl

We’ll start by getting our hands on some data from Yahoo Finance. By default these data will be of type TimeArray, although it is possible to explicitly request a DataFrame instead,

julia> google = quandl("YAHOO/GOOGL");                     # GOOGL at (default) daily intervals
julia> typeof(google)
TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} (constructor with 1 method)
julia> apple = quandl("YAHOO/AAPL", frequency = :weekly);  # AAPL at weekly intervals
julia> mmm = quandl("YAHOO/MMM", from = "2015-07-01");     # MMM starting at 2015-07-01
julia> rht = quandl("YAHOO/RHT", format = "DataFrame");    # As a DataFramejulia
> typeof(rht)
DataFrame (constructor with 11 methods)

Having a closer look at one of the TimeSeries objects we find that it actually consists of multiple data series, each represented by a separate column. The colnames attribute gives names for each of the component series, while the timestamp and values attributes provide access to the data themselves. We’ll see more convenient means for accessing those data in a moment.

julia> google
100x6 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-04-24 to 2015-09-15

             Open      High      Low       Close     Volume         Adjusted Close  
2015-04-24 | 580.05    584.7     568.35    573.66    4608400        573.66          
2015-04-27 | 572.77    575.52    562.3     566.12    2403100        566.12          
2015-04-28 | 564.32    567.83    560.96    564.37    1858900        564.37          
2015-04-29 | 560.51    565.84    559.0     561.39    1681100        561.39          
2015-09-10 | 643.9     654.9     641.7     651.08    1384600        651.08          
2015-09-11 | 650.21    655.31    647.41    655.3     1736100        655.3           
2015-09-14 | 655.63    655.92    649.5     652.47    1497100        652.47          
2015-09-15 | 656.71    668.85    653.34    665.07    1761800        665.07          
julia> names(google)
4-element Array{Symbol,1}:
julia> google.colnames
6-element Array{UTF8String,1}:
 "Adjusted Close"
julia> google.timestamp[1:5]
5-element Array{Date,1}:
julia> google.values[1:5,:]
5x6 Array{Float64,2}:
 580.05  584.7   568.35  573.66  4.6084e6  573.66
 572.77  575.52  562.3   566.12  2.4031e6  566.12
 564.32  567.83  560.96  564.37  1.8589e6  564.37
 560.51  565.84  559.0   561.39  1.6811e6  561.39
 558.56  561.11  546.72  548.77  2.362e6   548.77

The TimeArray type caters for a full range of indexing operations which allow you to slice and dice those data to your exacting requirements. to() and from() extract subsets of the data before or after a specified instant.

julia> google[1:5]
5x6 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-04-24 to 2015-04-30

             Open      High      Low       Close     Volume        Adjusted Close  
2015-04-24 | 580.05    584.7     568.35    573.66    4608400       573.66          
2015-04-27 | 572.77    575.52    562.3     566.12    2403100       566.12          
2015-04-28 | 564.32    567.83    560.96    564.37    1858900       564.37          
2015-04-29 | 560.51    565.84    559.0     561.39    1681100       561.39          
2015-04-30 | 558.56    561.11    546.72    548.77    2362000       548.77    
julia> google[[Date(2015,8,7):Date(2015,8,12)]]
4x6 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-08-07 to 2015-08-12

             Open      High      Low       Close     Volume        Adjusted Close  
2015-08-07 | 667.78    668.8     658.87    664.39    1374100       664.39          
2015-08-10 | 667.09    671.62    660.23    663.14    1403900       663.14          
2015-08-11 | 699.58    704.0     684.32    690.3     5264100       690.3           
2015-08-12 | 694.49    696.0     680.51    691.47    2924900       691.47          
julia> google["High","Low"]
100x2 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-04-24 to 2015-09-15

             High      Low       
2015-04-24 | 584.7     568.35    
2015-04-27 | 575.52    562.3     
2015-04-28 | 567.83    560.96    
2015-04-29 | 565.84    559.0     
2015-09-10 | 654.9     641.7     
2015-09-11 | 655.31    647.41    
2015-09-14 | 655.92    649.5     
2015-09-15 | 668.85    653.34  
julia> google["Close"][3:5]
3x1 TimeArray{Float64,1,DataType} 2015-04-28 to 2015-04-30

2015-04-28 | 564.37    
2015-04-29 | 561.39    
2015-04-30 | 548.77  

We can shift observations forward or backward in time using lag() or lead().

julia> lag(google[1:5])
4x6 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-04-27 to 2015-04-30

             Open      High      Low       Close     Volume        Adjusted Close  
2015-04-27 | 580.05    584.7     568.35    573.66    4608400       573.66          
2015-04-28 | 572.77    575.52    562.3     566.12    2403100       566.12          
2015-04-29 | 564.32    567.83    560.96    564.37    1858900       564.37          
2015-04-30 | 560.51    565.84    559.0     561.39    1681100       561.39   
julia> lead(google[1:5], 3)
2x6 TimeArray{Float64,2,DataType} 2015-04-24 to 2015-04-27

             Open      High      Low       Close     Volume        Adjusted Close  
2015-04-24 | 560.51    565.84    559.0     561.39    1681100       561.39          
2015-04-27 | 558.56    561.11    546.72    548.77    2362000       548.77

We can also calculate the percentage change between observations.

julia> percentchange(google["Close"], method = "log")
99x1 TimeArray{Float64,1,DataType} 2015-04-27 to 2015-09-15

2015-04-27 | -0.0132 
2015-04-28 | -0.0031 
2015-04-29 | -0.0053 
2015-04-30 | -0.0227 
2015-09-10 | 0.0119  
2015-09-11 | 0.0065  
2015-09-14 | -0.0043 
2015-09-15 | 0.0191

Well, that’s the core functionality in TimeSeries. There are also methods for aggregation and moving window operations, as well as time series merging. You can check out some examples in the documentation as well as on github. Finally, watch the video below from JuliaCon 2014.

The post #MonthOfJulia Day 15: Time Series appeared first on Exegetic Analytics.